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<?php /** * File for our cool Carousel in the footer * * @category Child Plugin * @version v0.3.1 * @since v0.1.0 * @author iClyde <> */ // Namespace namespace Inisev\Subs; // Disallow direct access if (defined('ABSPATH')) { /** * Main class for handling the Carousel */ if (!class_exists('Inisev\Subs\Inisev_Carousel')) { class Inisev_Carousel { // Should hide it for good i.e. styles may be broken? private $error = 0; // Slugs of plugins private $usm_premium = 'usm-premium/usm_premium_icons.php'; private $usm_slug = 'ultimate-social-media-icons/ultimate_social_media_icons.php'; private $bmi_premium = 'backup-backup-pro/backup-backup-pro.php'; private $bmi_slug = 'backup-backup/backup-backup.php'; private $cdp_premium = 'copy-delete-posts-premium/copy-delete-posts-premium.php'; private $cdp_slug = 'copy-delete-posts/copy-delete-posts.php'; private $mpu_slug = 'pop-up-pop-up/pop-up-pop-up.php'; private $redi_slug = 'redirect-redirection/redirect-redirection.php'; // Global variables public $_root_file = null; public $_root_dir = null; public $page = null; public $slug = null; public $root = null; public $slug_low = null; public $hooked = null; public $menu = null; public $url = null; /* * Compile some variables for "future us" * Such as slug of current plugin, root dir of plugin */ function __construct($root_file, $root_dir) { // This roots $this->_root_file = $root_file; $this->_root_dir = $root_dir; // Add handler for Ajax request if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { // Check if slug is defined if (isset($_POST['slug']) && !empty($_POST['slug'])) { // Handle the request add_action('wp_ajax_inisev_installation', [&$this, 'handle_installation']); add_action('wp_ajax_inisev_installation_widget', [&$this, 'handle_installation']); } // Stop for POST return; } // WordPress globals global $menu; // Make sure WP_PLUGIN_DIR is defined if (!defined('WP_PLUGIN_DIR')) return $this->fail(1); if (!function_exists('trailingslashit')) return $this->fail(2); if (!defined('DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR')) define('DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR', '/'); // That's in case the developer moved this file somewhere else $tmp_slug = trailingslashit($this->_root_dir); $tmp_root = trailingslashit(WP_PLUGIN_DIR); $tmp_name = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, substr($tmp_slug, strlen($tmp_root))); // Make the "probably" slug name $this->page = sanitize_text_field($_GET['page']); $this->slug = $tmp_name[0]; $this->root = $tmp_root . $this->slug; // Make lowercase slug $this->slug_low = $this->makelower($this->slug); // We don't need those anymore unset($tmp_slug, $tmp_root, $tmp_name); // Check if the guess is correct enough if (!is_dir($this->root)) return $this->fail(3); // Check if the script requires to be in hook if (!function_exists('current_action')) return $this->fail(4); $this->hooked = (current_action() == '' ? false : true); // Add hook if it's required if (!$this->hooked) { // Hook the script to init add_action('admin_menu', [&$this, 'setup'], PHP_INT_MAX); } else { // The child plugin is already hooked, check if correctly if (current_action() == 'admin_menu' || isset($menu)) { // If the hook is correct continue $this->setup(); } else { // Hook the script to init if it's not hooked to it already add_action('admin_menu', [&$this, 'setup'], PHP_INT_MAX); } } } /* * Main setup of this child plugin */ public function setup() { // WordPress Global Variables global $menu; // Make sure $menu exists if (!isset($menu) || !is_array($menu)) return $this->fail(5); if (!current_user_can('install_plugins')) return $this->fail(10); // Get menu slug name if (!$this->menu_name($menu)) return false; if (/*$this->page === $this->menu && */!defined('INISEV_CAROUSEL')) { // Initialize Carousel constant define('INISEV_CAROUSEL', true); // Root URL for assets $this->url = trailingslashit(plugins_url('', $this->_root_file)); // Load styles // wp_enqueue_script('inisev-carousel-script', ($this->url . 'assets/index.min.js'), [], filemtime($this->_root_dir . '/assets/index.min.js'), true); // wp_enqueue_style('inisev-carousel-style', ($this->url . 'assets/style.min.css'), [], filemtime($this->_root_dir . '/assets/style.min.css')); // Pass nonce to JS // wp_localize_script('inisev-carousel-script', 'inisev_carousel', [ // 'nonce' => wp_create_nonce('inisev_carousel'), // ], true); // Print the footer if (!has_action('ins_global_print_carrousel')) { add_action('ins_global_print_carrousel', [&$this, '_print'], 1); } } } /* * This function may be used for debugging purposes */ private function fail($code = false) { if ($code === false) { // Return error code if specified as request ($code === false) return $this->error; } else { // Set the error code and return // error_log($code); $this->error = $code; return false; } } /* * Helper function remove _ -/ characters and make lowercase */ private function makelower($str) { if (!is_string($str) || empty($str)) $str = ''; $str = str_replace('_', '', $str); $str = str_replace('-', '', $str); $str = str_replace('/', '', $str); $str = str_replace('\/', '', $str); $str = str_replace(' ', '', $str); $str = strtolower($str); return $str; } /* * This function will find slug of menu page */ private function menu_name(&$menu) { // Find the menu slug // IMPORTANT: It requires the plugin to use own icon (own assets) foreach ($menu as $priority => $details) { if (is_array($details) && sizeof($details) >= 6) { foreach ($details as $key => $value) { if (is_object($value) || is_array($value)) continue; if ($this->makelower($value) == $this->slug_low) { $this->menu = $details[2]; break; } } if (isset($this->menu)) break; } } // MyPopUps exception if (!isset($this->menu)) { $mpu = ['wpmypopups', 'mypopups', 'popuppopup']; if (in_array($this->slug_low, $mpu)) { $this->menu = 'wp-mypopups'; } } if (!isset($this->menu)) { $bmi = ['backupbackup', 'backup-backup', 'backup-migration', 'backupmigration']; if (in_array($this->slug_low, $bmi)) { $this->menu = 'backup-migration'; } } if (!isset($this->menu)) { $hhr = ['httpsremover', 'httphttpsremover']; if (in_array($this->slug_low, $hhr)) { $this->menu = 'httphttpsRemoval'; } } if (!isset($this->menu)) { $wpc = ['wp-clone', 'wp-clone', 'wpclonebywpacademy']; if (in_array($this->slug_low, $wpc)) { $this->menu = 'wp-clone'; } } // Make sure it found something if (isset($this->menu)) return true; else return true; // else return $this->fail(6); } /* * Helper: Include file */ private function _include($path) { include_once trailingslashit($this->_root_dir) . 'views/' . $path . '.php'; } /* * Helper: Get asset URL */ private function get_asset($file) { return $this->url . $file; } /* * Helper: Get asset and print URL */ private function _asset($file) { echo $this->get_asset('views/' . $file); } /* * Upgrade plugin, this function probably will never be fired */ private function upgrade_plugin($plugin_slug) { // Include upgrader include_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php'; wp_cache_flush(); // Initialize & upgrade the plugin $upgrader = new \Plugin_Upgrader(); $upgraded = $upgrader->upgrade($plugin_slug); // Return status or WP Error return $upgraded; } /* * Check if plugin is installed by slug */ private function is_plugin_installed($slug) { // Get all plugins $all_plugins = get_plugins(); // Make sure all slugs are in lowercase. foreach ($all_plugins as $plug => $v) { // Once something match return success if (strtolower($plug) == strtolower($slug)) return true; } // If nothing just fail return false; // When I exactly know the letter case... // if (!empty($all_plugins[$slug])) return true; // else return false; } /* * Install the plugin by slug */ private function install_plugin($plugin_zip) { // Include upgrader include_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php'; wp_cache_flush(); // Initialize WP upgrader & install the plugin $upgrader = new \Plugin_Upgrader(); $installed = $upgrader->install($plugin_zip); // Return status or WP Error return $installed; } /* * Install file */ private function install($slug, $directory_slug) { // Prepare the URLs and full slug $plugin_slug = $slug; $plugin_zip = '' . $directory_slug . ''; // Make sure the plugin is not installed if ($this->is_plugin_installed($plugin_slug)) { // Upgrade the plugin if it's installed somehow $this->upgrade_plugin($plugin_slug); $installed = true; // Install instead } else $installed = $this->install_plugin($plugin_zip); // Check if there was any error if (!is_wp_error($installed) && $installed) { $activate = activate_plugin($plugin_slug); if (is_null($activate)) { $url = admin_url('', 'admin'); // CDP has special alert when installed with quick-install module if ($_POST['slug'] === 'cdp') { update_option('_cdp_cool_installation', true); update_option('_cdp_redirect', true); $url = admin_url() . 'admin.php?page=copy-delete-posts'; } // Redirection for MPU if ($_POST['slug'] === 'mpu') { update_option('wp_mypopups_do_activation_redirect', true); $url = admin_url() . 'admin.php?page=wp-mypopups'; } // Redirection for USM if ($_POST['slug'] === 'usm') { update_option('sfsi_plugin_do_activation_redirect', true); $url = admin_url() . 'admin.php?page=sfsi-options'; } // Redirection for BMI if ($_POST['slug'] === 'bmi') { update_option('_bmi_redirect', true); $url = admin_url() . 'admin.php?page=backup-migration'; } // Redirection for RED if ($_POST['slug'] === 'redi') { update_option('irrp_activation_redirect', true); $url = admin_url() . 'admin.php?page=irrp-redirection'; } // Send success wp_send_json_success([ 'installed' => true, 'url' => $url ]); // I don't know what happened here and if it's even possible } else wp_send_json_error(); // Send fail } else wp_send_json_error(); } /* * Add/print the Carousel */ public function _print() { try { include_once trailingslashit($this->_root_dir) . 'views/index.php'; } catch (\Exception $e) { return $this->fail(7); } catch (\Exception $e) { return $this->fail(8); } } /* * Handle ajax request */ public function handle_installation() { if (check_ajax_referer('inisev_carousel', 'nonce', false) === false) { return wp_send_json_error(); } if (!current_user_can('install_plugins')) { return wp_send_json_error(); } // Handle the slug and install the plugin $slug = sanitize_text_field($_POST['slug']); if ($slug === 'usm') { $this->install($this->usm_slug, 'ultimate-social-media-icons'); } elseif ($slug === 'bmi') { $this->install($this->bmi_slug, 'backup-backup'); } elseif ($slug === 'cdp') { $this->install($this->cdp_slug, 'copy-delete-posts'); } elseif ($slug === 'mpu') { $this->install($this->mpu_slug, 'pop-up-pop-up'); } elseif ($slug == 'redi') { $this->install($this->redi_slug, 'redirect-redirection'); // Anything else error } else wp_send_json_error(); } } } // Disallow usage of multiple Carousels + allow only GET requests if (!defined('INISEV_CAROUSEL')) { // Make sure settings/menu page slug exsits if (!empty($_GET['page']) || (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST')) { // Initialize the Carousel $carousel = new Inisev_Carousel(__FILE__, __DIR__); } } }
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