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<?php /** * Copy & Delete Posts – default menu. * * @package CDP * @subpackage Configuration * @author CopyDeletePosts * @since 1.0.0 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ // Exit if accessed directly. if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit; /** –– **\ * Adding assets. * @since 1.0.0 */ add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', function() { if (cdp_check_permissions(wp_get_current_user()) == false) return; $current_screen = get_current_screen(); if (!is_object($current_screen)) return; if (function_exists('wp_doing_ajax') && wp_doing_ajax()) return; wp_enqueue_script('cdp'); wp_enqueue_script('jquery-ui-draggable'); wp_enqueue_script('jquery-ui-droppable'); wp_enqueue_script('jquery-ui-sortable'); wp_enqueue_style('cdp-css'); }); /** –– **/ /** –– **\ * Main plugin configuration menu. * @since 1.0.0 */ function cdp_configuration() { if (cdp_check_permissions(wp_get_current_user()) == false) return; global $cdp_plug_url; $current_user = wp_get_current_user(); $user_id = get_current_user_id(); $no_intro = (get_option('_cdp_no_intro')) ? get_option('_cdp_no_intro') : array(); $has_intro = !in_array($user_id, $no_intro) || false; $profiles = get_option('_cdp_profiles'); $defaults = get_option('_cdp_profiles'); if ($defaults && array_key_exists('default', $defaults)) $defaults = $defaults['default']; else $defaults = cdp_default_options(); $globals = get_option('_cdp_globals'); $roles = get_editable_roles(); $isCoolInstalled = ''; if (get_option('_cdp_cool_installation', false)) { delete_option('_cdp_cool_installation'); $isCoolInstalled = ' cdp_is_cool_installed'; } $names_format = false; $after_copy = false; $post_converter = false; $gos = cdp_default_global_options(); if (isset($defaults['names'])) if (isset($defaults['names']['format'])) $names_format = intval($defaults['names']['format']); if (isset($globals)) { if (isset($globals['afterCopy'])) $after_copy = $globals['afterCopy']; if (isset($globals['postConverter'])) $post_converter = $globals['postConverter']; if (isset($globals['others'])) $gos = $globals['others']; } if (!array_key_exists('cdp-display-bulk', $gos)) $gos = cdp_default_global_options(); // Ask for pro features $areWePro = areWePro(); if (!$has_intro) { $intro = ' style="display: none;"'; $content = ''; } else { $intro = ''; $content = ' style="display: none; opacity: 0;"'; } $isYoast = false; $isUSM = false; $isWoo = false; if (is_plugin_active('woocommerce/woocommerce.php')) $isWoo = true; if (is_plugin_active('wordpress-seo/wp-seo.php') || is_plugin_active('wordpress-seo-premium/wp-seo-premium.php')) $isYoast = true; if ( is_plugin_active('USM-Premium/usm_premium_icons.php') || is_plugin_active('Ultimate-Social-Media-Plus/ultimate_social_media_icons.php') || is_plugin_active('Ultimate-Social-Media-Icons/ultimate_social_media_icons.php') || is_plugin_active('Ultimate-Premium-Plugin/usm_premium_icons.php') || is_plugin_active('ultimate-social-media-icons/ultimate_social_media_icons.php') || is_plugin_active('ultimate-social-media-plus/ultimate-social-media-plus.php') || is_plugin_active('ultimate-social-media-plus/ultimate_social_media_plus.php') ) $isUSM = true; ?> <style> #wpcontent {padding-left: 2px !important;} /* #wpbody {overflow-y: scroll;overflow-x: auto;max-height: calc(100vh - 32px);} */ #wpfooter { display: none !important; } #wpfooter #footer-left { display: none; } #wpfooter #footer-upgrade { display: none; } </style> <?php if ($areWePro && function_exists('cdpp_profile_manager_html')) cdpp_profile_manager_html(); ?> <?php if ($areWePro && function_exists('cdpp_delete_redi_modal')) cdpp_delete_redi_modal(); ?> <div class="cdp-preloader-c<?php echo $isCoolInstalled ?>"> <div class="cdp-center"><?php _e('Loading...', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></div> <div class="cdp-preloader"></div> </div> <div class="cdp-container cdp-main-menu-cont" style="display: none;"> <div class="cdp-content"> <div class="cdp-cf"> <div class="cdp-left"> <!-- <h1 class="cdp-f-s-30 cdp-f-w-light cdp-welcome-title-after">Welcome<?php echo ' ' . $current_user->user_login . ','; ?> to Copy & Delete Posts!</h1> --> <h1 class="cdp-f-s-30 cdp-f-w-medium cdp-welcome-title-after"><?php _e('Welcome to Copy & Delete Posts!', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></h1> </div> <div class="cdp-right"> <div class="cdp-s-i-a cdp-welcome-title-after cdp-text-right cdp-green"<?php echo $content ?>><a class="cdp-pointer" id="cdp-show-into-again"><span class="cdp-green cdp-f-s-16"><?php _e('Show intro', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></span></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="cdp-intro"<?php echo $intro ?>> <div class="cdp-box cdp-white-bg cdp-shadow"> <div class="cdp-font-heading cdp-f-s-21 cdp-f-w-regular"><?php _e('You can now easily copy posts & pages in various areas:', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></div> <div class="cdp-cf"> <div class="cdp-showcase-3 cdp-left"> <div class="cdp-font-title cdp-f-s-22 cdp-f-w-bold cdp-center"><?php _e('List of posts/pages', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></div> <div class="cfg-img-sc-3 cdp-intro-image cdp-intro-img-1" alt="lists"> <img src="<?php echo $cdp_plug_url; ?>/assets/imgs/intro_1.gif" class="cdp-no-vis cfg-img-sc-3" alt="lists"> </div> </div> <div class="cdp-showcase-3 cdp-left"> <div class="cdp-font-title cdp-f-s-22 cdp-f-w-bold cdp-center"><?php _e('Edit screen', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></div> <div class="cfg-img-sc-3 cdp-intro-image cdp-intro-img-2" alt="edit"> <img src="<?php echo $cdp_plug_url; ?>/assets/imgs/intro_2.gif" class="cdp-no-vis cfg-img-sc-3" alt="edit"> </div> </div> <div class="cdp-showcase-3 cdp-left"> <div class="cdp-font-title cdp-f-s-22 cdp-f-w-bold cdp-center"><?php _e('Admin bar', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></div> <div class="cfg-img-sc-3 cdp-intro-image cdp-intro-img-3" alt="adminbar"> <img src="<?php echo $cdp_plug_url; ?>/assets/imgs/intro_3.gif" class="cdp-no-vis cfg-img-sc-3 cfg-img-sc-3-special" alt="adminbar"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cdp-center cdp-font-footer"><?php _e('…and you can also <b>delete duplicate</b> posts easily, see below :)', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></div> <div class="cdp-center cdp-intro-options"> <button class="cdp-intro-button cdp-f-s-21 cdp-f-w-bold"><?php _e('Got it, close intro!', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></button> <div class="cdp-ff-b1 cdp-checkboxes cdp-hide" style="margin-top: 5px;"> <label for="cdp-never-intro"> <input type="checkbox" checked id="cdp-never-intro" style="margin-top: -3px !important"/> <?php _e('Don\'t show this intro – never again!', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> </label> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cdp-cf cdp-profile-bar"> <div class="cdp-left cdp-lh-48 cdp-f-s-20"> <div class="cdp-cf"> <div class="cdp-left cdp-f-w-light"> <?php _e('Below are your', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> </div> <select class="cdp-left cdp-profile-selected cdp-select-styled cdp-select cdp-select-padding cdp-ow-border cdp-f-s-19 cdp-color-p-i<?php echo ((!$areWePro)?' cdp-premium-in-select':''); ?>"> <?php $preSelProf = 0; $gepres = get_option('_cdp_preselections', array()); if (array_key_exists(get_current_user_id(), $gepres)) { $preSelProf = $gepres[get_current_user_id()]; } if ($profiles != false && $areWePro) { foreach ($profiles as $profile => $vals): $isSel = ($preSelProf == $profile); ?> <option value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($profile); ?>"<?php echo ($isSel)?' selected':''?>><?php echo ucfirst(htmlspecialchars($vals['names']['display'])); ?></option> <?php endforeach; } else { ?> <option value="default" selected><?php _e('Default', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></option> <option value="premium" disabled><?php _e('Add new', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></option> <?php } ?> </select> <div class="cdp-left cdp-f-w-light"> <?php _e('settings', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cdp-right cdp-lh-48 cdp-relative"> <div> <span class="cdp-tooltip-premium" style="padding: 25px 0"> <span class="cdp-manager-btns cdp-green cdp-hover cdp-pointer cdp-f-w-light cdp-f-s-16" style="padding-right: 33px;"><?php _e('+ Add / manage / import / export settings', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></span> <span class="cdp-premium-icon cdp-big-icon" style="right: 3px;"></span> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cdp-collapsibles" style="padding-top: 5px;"> <!-- SETTINGS PROFILE SECTION --> <div class="cdp-collapsible" data-cdp-group="mains"> <div class="cdp-collapsible-title"> <div class="cdp-cf"> <div class="cdp-left cdp-ff-b1"><?php _e('Which <b class="cdp-ff-b4">elements</b> shall be copied?', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></div> <div class="cdp-right"><i class="cdp-arrow cdp-arrow-left"></i></div> </div> </div> <div class="cdp-collapsible-content cdp-nm cdp-np"> <div style="overflow-x: auto; max-width: 100%;"> <table class="cdp-table"> <thead class="cdp-thead cdp-f-s-18"> <tr> <th></th> <th><?php _e('<b>If checked</b> copies will...', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></th> <th><?php _e('<b>If <u class="cdp-f-w-bold">un</u>checked</b> copies will...', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody class="cdp-ff-b1 cdp-f-s-18 cdp-tbody-of-settings"> <tr> <td><label class="cdp-relative"><input <?php echo $defaults['title']=='true'?'checked ':''; ?>class="cdp-data-set" data-cdp-opt="title" type="checkbox" /><span><?php _e('Title', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> <span class="cdp-info-icon"></span></span></label></td> <td><?php _e('…get the title as defined in the <a href="#" class="cdp-go-to-names-chapter"><span class="cdp-green">next section</span></a>.', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></td> <td><?php _e('…be titled “Untitled”.', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td><label class="cdp-relative"><input <?php echo $defaults['date']=='true'?'checked ':''; ?>class="cdp-data-set" data-cdp-opt="date" type="checkbox" /><span><?php _e('Date', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> <span class="cdp-info-icon"></span></span></label></td> <td><?php _e('…get the same creation date & time as the original.', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></td> <td><?php _e('…get the date & time at time of copying. ', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td><label class="cdp-relative"><input <?php echo $defaults['status']=='true'?'checked ':''; ?>class="cdp-data-set" data-cdp-opt="status" type="checkbox" /><span><?php _e('Status', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> <span class="cdp-info-icon"></span></span></label></td> <td><?php _e('…get status of original article (which can be “published” or “deleted” etc.)', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></td> <td><?php _e('…get the status “Draft”.', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td><label class="cdp-relative"><input <?php echo $defaults['slug']=='true'?'checked ':''; ?>class="cdp-data-set" data-cdp-opt="slug" type="checkbox" /><span><?php _e('Slug', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> <span class="cdp-info-icon"></span></span></label></td> <td><?php _e('…get the same <a href="" target="_blank"><span class="cdp-green">slug</span></a> of the original. (However after publishing it will give it automatically a new slug because 2 pages cannot be on the same URL).', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></td> <td><?php _e('…get a blank slug, unless the page is published, then it will generate it automatically.', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td><label class="cdp-relative"><input <?php echo $defaults['excerpt']=='true'?'checked ':''; ?>class="cdp-data-set" data-cdp-opt="excerpt" type="checkbox" /><span><?php _e('Excerpt', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> <span class="cdp-info-icon"></span></span></label></td> <td><?php _e('…get the custom <a href="" target="_blank"><span class="cdp-green">excerpt</span></a> (post/page summary) of the original (if the original had any).', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></td> <td><?php _e('…get an empty <i>custom</i> excerpt (and default to taking the first 55 words of the post).', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td><label class="cdp-relative"><input <?php echo $defaults['content']=='true'?'checked ':''; ?>class="cdp-data-set" data-cdp-opt="content" type="checkbox" /><span><?php _e('Content', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> <span class="cdp-info-icon"></span></span></label></td> <td><?php _e('…get all the content (text, images, videos and other elements/blocks) from the original.', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></td> <td><?php _e('…get no content (be completely blank).', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td><label class="cdp-relative"><input <?php echo $defaults['f_image']=='true'?'checked ':''; ?>class="cdp-data-set" data-cdp-opt="f_image" type="checkbox" /><span><?php _e('Featured image', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> <span class="cdp-info-icon"></span></span></label></td> <td><?php _e('…it will set the same <a href="" target="_blank"><span class="cdp-green">featured image</span></a> as the original.', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></td> <td><?php _e('…get no featured image.', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td><label class="cdp-relative"><input <?php echo $defaults['template']=='true'?'checked ':''; ?>class="cdp-data-set" data-cdp-opt="template" type="checkbox" /><span><?php _e('Template', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> <span class="cdp-info-icon"></span></span></label></td> <td><?php _e('…get the same page <a href="" target="_blank"><span class="cdp-green">template</span></a> as original.', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></td> <td><?php _e('…get the default page template.', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td><label class="cdp-relative"><input <?php echo $defaults['format']=='true'?'checked ':''; ?>class="cdp-data-set" data-cdp-opt="format" type="checkbox" /><span><?php _e('Format', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> <span class="cdp-info-icon"></span></span></label></td> <td><?php _e('…get the same <a href="" target="_blank"><span class="cdp-green">post format</span></a> as original.', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></td> <td><?php _e('…get the standard post format.', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td><label class="cdp-relative"><input <?php echo $defaults['author']=='true'?'checked ':''; ?>class="cdp-data-set" data-cdp-opt="author" type="checkbox" /><span><?php _e('Author', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> <span class="cdp-info-icon"></span></span></label></td> <td><?php _e('…get the same author as original.', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></td> <td><?php _e('…get the user that is duplicating as an author.', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td><label class="cdp-relative"><input <?php echo $defaults['password']=='true'?'checked ':''; ?>class="cdp-data-set" data-cdp-opt="password" type="checkbox" /><span><?php _e('Password', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> <span class="cdp-info-icon"></span></span></label></td> <td><?php _e('…get the same <a href="" target="_blank"><span class="cdp-green">password</span></a> as original.', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></td> <td><?php _e('…get no password.', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td><label class="cdp-relative"><input <?php echo $defaults['attachments']=='true'?'checked ':''; ?>class="cdp-data-set" data-cdp-opt="attachments" type="checkbox" /><span><?php _e('Attachments', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> <span class="cdp-info-icon"></span></span></label></td> <td><?php _e('…create new <a href="" target="_blank"><span class="cdp-green">attachments</span></a> (duplicates in Media Library) as well. <i>Recommended only for Multisites.</i>', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></td> <td><?php _e('…get existing attachments from the original.', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td><label class="cdp-relative"><input <?php echo $defaults['children']=='true'?'checked ':''; ?>class="cdp-data-set" data-cdp-opt="children" type="checkbox" /><span><?php _e('Children', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> <span class="cdp-info-icon"></span></span></label></td> <td><?php _e('…get their <a href="" target="_blank"><span class="cdp-green">child pages</span></a> copied as well, with all current settings applied to child-duplicates (if the page is a parent).', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></td> <td><?php _e('…not get their child pages copied along (if the page is a parent).', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td><label class="cdp-relative"><input <?php echo $defaults['comments']=='true'?'checked ':''; ?>class="cdp-data-set" data-cdp-opt="comments" type="checkbox" /><span><?php _e('Comments', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> <span class="cdp-info-icon"></span></span></label></td> <td><?php _e('…get all comments from the original.', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></td> <td><?php _e('…get no comments from the original.', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td><label class="cdp-relative"><input <?php echo $defaults['menu_order']=='true'?'checked ':''; ?>class="cdp-data-set" data-cdp-opt="menu_order" type="checkbox" /><span><?php _e('Menu order', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> <span class="cdp-info-icon"></span></span></label></td> <td><?php _e('…get the <a href="" target="_blank"><span class="cdp-green">menu order</span></a> from the original.', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></td> <td><?php _e('…get the menu order set to default (0).', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td><label class="cdp-relative"><input <?php echo $defaults['category']=='true'?'checked ':''; ?>class="cdp-data-set" data-cdp-opt="category" type="checkbox" /><span><?php _e('Categories', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> <span class="cdp-info-icon"></span></span></label></td> <td><?php _e('…get all categories from the original post.', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></td> <td><?php _e('…be Uncategorized, no categories will be copied.', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td><label class="cdp-relative"><input <?php echo $defaults['post_tag']=='true'?'checked ':''; ?>class="cdp-data-set" data-cdp-opt="post_tag" type="checkbox" /><span><?php _e('Tags', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> <span class="cdp-info-icon"></span></span></label></td> <td><?php _e('…get all tags of the original post.', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></td> <td><?php _e('…be without any tags.', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td><label class="cdp-relative"><input <?php echo $defaults['taxonomy']=='true'?'checked ':''; ?>class="cdp-data-set" data-cdp-opt="taxonomy" type="checkbox" /><span><?php _e('Taxonomies', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> <span class="cdp-info-icon"></span></span></label></td> <td><?php _e('…get all custom taxonomy from the original.', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></td> <td><?php _e('…be without custom taxonomy.', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td> <label> <div class="cdp-cf"> <div class="cdp-left"> <input <?php echo $defaults['nav_menu']=='true'?'checked ':''; ?>class="cdp-data-set" data-cdp-opt="nav_menu" type="checkbox" /> </div> <div class="cdp-left cdp-relative" style="width: calc(100% - 45px)"> <span><?php _e('Navigation Menus', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> <span class="cdp-info-icon" style="top: calc(50% + 4px) !important;"></span> </span> </div> </div> </label> </td> <td><?php _e('…get this private taxonomy from the original.', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></td> <td><?php _e('…be without private taxonomy.', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td><label class="cdp-relative"><input <?php echo $defaults['link_category']=='true'?'checked ':''; ?>class="cdp-data-set" data-cdp-opt="link_category" type="checkbox" /><span><?php _e('Link categories', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> <span class="cdp-info-icon"></span></span></label></td> <td><?php _e('…get this private taxonomy from the original.', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></td> <td><?php _e('…be without private taxonomy.', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="cdp-tooltip-premium"> <label> <div class="cdp-cf"> <div class="cdp-left"> <input <?php echo (array_key_exists('all_metadata', $defaults) && $defaults['all_metadata']=='true' && $areWePro == true)?'checked ':''; ?>class="cdp-data-set" data-cdp-opt="all_metadata" type="checkbox" /> </div> <div class="cdp-left cdp-relative" style="width: calc(100% - 45px)"> <span><?php _e('All post meta', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?><span class="cdp-premium-icon cdp-big-icon"></span> </span> </div> </div> </label> </td> <td><?php _e('…clone all metadata tags assigned to post/page.', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></td> <td><?php _e('…copy only required post/page metadata.', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></td> </tr> <tr<?php echo (!$isWoo)?' style="display: none;"':'' ?>> <td class="cdp-tooltip-premium"> <label> <div class="cdp-cf"> <div class="cdp-left"> <input <?php echo (array_key_exists('woo', $defaults) && $defaults['woo']=='true' && $areWePro == true)?'checked ':''; ?>class="cdp-data-set" data-cdp-opt="woo" type="checkbox" /> </div> <div class="cdp-left cdp-relative" style="width: calc(100% - 45px)"> <span><?php _e('WooCommerce Settings', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?><span class="cdp-premium-icon cdp-big-icon" style="top: calc(50% + 2px) !important;"></span> </span> </div> </div> </label> </td> <td><?php _e('…the same settings from the <a href="" target="_blank"><span class="cdp-green">WooCommerce plugin</span></a> as the original.', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></td> <td><?php _e('…get empty settings.', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></td> </tr> <tr<?php echo (!$isUSM)?' style="display: none;"':'' ?>> <td class="cdp-tooltip-premium"> <label> <div class="cdp-cf"> <div class="cdp-left"> <input <?php echo ($defaults['usmplugin']=='true' && $areWePro == true)?'checked ':''; ?>class="cdp-data-set" data-cdp-opt="usmplugin" type="checkbox" /> </div> <div class="cdp-left cdp-relative" style="width: calc(100% - 45px)"> <span><?php _e('Ultimate Social Media Settings', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?><span class="cdp-premium-icon cdp-big-icon" style="top: calc(50% + 2px) !important;"></span> </span> </div> </div> </label> </td> <td><?php _e('…the same settings from the <a href="" target="_blank"><span class="cdp-green">Ultimate Social Media plugin</span></a> as the original.', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></td> <td><?php _e('…get empty settings.', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></td> </tr> <tr<?php echo (!$isYoast)?' style="display: none;"':'' ?>> <td class="cdp-tooltip-premium"> <label> <div class="cdp-cf"> <div class="cdp-left"> <input <?php echo ($defaults['yoast']=='true' && $areWePro == true)?'checked ':''; ?>class="cdp-data-set" data-cdp-opt="yoast" type="checkbox" /> </div> <div class="cdp-left cdp-relative" style="width: calc(100% - 45px)"> <span><?php _e('Yoast SEO Settings', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> <span class="cdp-premium-icon cdp-big-icon" style="top: calc(50% + 2px) !important;"></span> </span> </div> </div> </label> </td> <td><?php _e('…the same settings from the <a href="" target="_blank"><span class="cdp-green">Yoast SEO plugin</span></a> as the original.', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></td> <td><?php _e('…get empty settings.', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <div class="cdp-pad-lin cdp-gray cdp-f-s-18 cdp-lh-24 cdp-center" style="padding-top: 40px; padding-bottom: 20px;"> <i><?php _e('Do you know anything else you want to have copied (e.g. data added by a different plugin)? <br /> Please <a href="" target="_blank"><span class="cdp-green">tell us about it</span></a>, we always want to further improve this plugin! :) ', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></i> </div> <div class="cdp-center cdp-padding cdp-p-35-b"> <button class="cdp-button cdp-save-options"><?php _e('Save', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></button> <div class="cdp-padding cdp-f-s-17"> <a href="#" class="cdp-close-chapter"><?php _e('Close section', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- OTHER SETTINGS PROFILE SECTION --> <div class="cdp-collapsible" data-cdp-group="mains"> <div class="cdp-collapsible-title cdp-name-section-cnx"> <div class="cdp-cf"> <div class="cdp-left cdp-ff-b1"><?php _e('What <b class="cdp-ff-b4">name(s)</b> should the copies have?', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></div> <div class="cdp-right"><i class="cdp-arrow cdp-arrow-left"></i></div> </div> </div> <div class="cdp-collapsible-content cdp-np cdp-drags-cont"> <div class="cdp-pad-lin cdp-f-s-18 cdp-f-w-light"> <?php _e('Build your preferred naming logic for the copies:', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> </div> <div class="cdp-green-bg cdp-pad-lin" style="padding-bottom: 20px;"> <div class="cdp-cf cdp-center"> <div class="cdp-left cdp-names-input cdp-f-s-16"><?php _e('Prefix', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></div> <div class="cdp-left cdp-names-divider cdp-nlh"></div> <div class="cdp-left cdp-names-input cdp-f-s-16"><?php _e('Suffix', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></div> </div> <div class="cdp-cf cdp-center"> <div class="cdp-left cdp-names-input"> <div strip-br="true" class="cdp-magic-input cdp-shadow cdp-sorts cdp-names-real-input cdp-names-prefix" wrap="off" contenteditable="true" style="margin-right: 0"> <?php echo (isset($defaults['names']) && isset($defaults['names']['prefix']))?$defaults['names']['prefix']:''; ?> </div> </div> <div class="cdp-left cdp-names-divider cdp-f-s-19 cdp-f-w-light"> <span class="cdp-tooltip-top cdp-togglable-name-b" title="<?php _e('Change to blank', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?>"><?php _e('(Name of original)', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></span> </div> <div class="cdp-left cdp-names-input"> <div strip-br="true" class="cdp-magic-input cdp-shadow cdp-sorts cdp-names-real-input cdp-names-suffix" wrap="off" contenteditable="true" style="margin-left: 0"> <?php echo (isset($defaults['names']) && isset($defaults['names']['suffix']))?$defaults['names']['suffix']:''; ?> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cdp-curr-cont"> <span class="cdp-f-s-18"><?php _e('Example based on current selections:', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></span> <span class="cdp-f-s-16 cdp-padding-10-h"> <span class="cdp-example-name cdp-f-w-bold"><?php _e('(Name of original)', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></span> </span> </div> </div> <div class="cdp-pad-lin cdp-f-s-18"> <div class="cdp-padding-23-h"><?php _e('Drag & drop the automatic elements into the Prefix/Suffix fields to add them.', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></div> <div class=""> <div class="cdp-cf cdp-padding-10-h"> <div class="cdp-left"> <div class="cdp-name-box cdp-drag-name cdp-name-clickable" oncontextmenu="return false;" data-cdp-val="0"><?php _e('Counter', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></div> </div> <div class="cdp-left cdp-names-text-info"><?php _e('Adds an <b class="cdp-f-w-semi-bold">incremental counter</b> (starting with “2”)', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></div> </div> <div class="cdp-cf cdp-padding-10-h"> <div class="cdp-left" style="margin-top: 6px;"> <div class="cdp-name-box cdp-drag-name cdp-name-clickable" oncontextmenu="return false;" data-cdp-val="2"><?php _e('CurrentDate', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></div> </div> <div class="cdp-left cdp-names-text-info"> <div class="cdp-cf" style="line-height: 49px !important;"> <div class="cdp-left"> <?php _e('Adds the <b class="cdp-f-w-semi-bold">current date</b> in', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> </div> <select class="cdp-left cdp-select-styled cdp-date-picked cdp-select cdp-dd-p-43 cdp-select-padding cdp-ow-border cdp-f-s-19 cdp-select-black cdp-option-premium" name="cdp-date-option"> <option value="1"<?php echo ($names_format == 1 || $names_format == false || (!$areWePro && $names_format == 3))?' selected':''; ?>><?php _e('mm/dd/yyyy', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></option> <option value="2"<?php echo ($names_format == 2)?' selected':''; ?>><?php _e('dd/mm/yyyy', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></option> <option value="3"<?php echo (($areWePro && $names_format == 3)?' selected':''); ?>><?php _e('Custom', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></option> </select> <?php if ($areWePro && function_exists('cdpp_custom_date')) cdpp_custom_date($names_format, $defaults); ?> <div class="cdp-left" style="padding-left: 15px;"><?php _e('format.', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></div> </div> <?php if ($areWePro && function_exists('cdpp_custom_date_info')) cdpp_custom_date_info(); ?> </div> </div> <div class="cdp-cf cdp-padding-10-h" style="padding-bottom: 0; margin-top: 6px;"> <div class="cdp-left"> <div class="cdp-name-box cdp-drag-name cdp-name-clickable" oncontextmenu="return false;" data-cdp-val="1"><?php _e('CurrentTime', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></div> </div> <div class="cdp-left cdp-names-text-info"><?php _e('Adds the <b class="cdp-f-w-semi-bold">current time</b> in hh:mm:ss format', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></div> </div> </div> <div class="cdp-padding-23-h"> <p class="cdp-f-s-18"><?php _e('You can also type tailored text into the fields above.', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></p> <p class="cdp-f-s-18"><?php _e('If you’re not of the drag & droppy-type, you can also enter shortcodes [Counter], [CurrentDate] and [CurrentTime].', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></p> <p class="cdp-f-s-18"><?php _e('If you make multiple copies in one go, use the Counter-option as otherwise some copies will have the same name.', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></p> </div> <div class="cdp-center"> <button class="cdp-button cdp-save-options"><?php _e('Save', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></button> <div class="cdp-padding cdp-f-s-17"> <a href="#" class="cdp-close-chapter"><?php _e('Close section', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- GLOBAL SECTION --> <div class="cdp-collapsible" data-cdp-group="mains"> <div class="cdp-collapsible-title" id="cdp-global-section-collapser"> <div class="cdp-cf"> <div class="cdp-left cdp-ff-b1"><?php _e('<b class="cdp-ff-b4">Other</b> options', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></div> <div class="cdp-right"><i class="cdp-arrow cdp-arrow-left"></i></div> </div> </div> <div class="cdp-collapsible-content cdp-oth-section cdp-np cdp-special-cb-p"> <div class="cdp-pad-lin"> <div><h2 class="cdp-f-s-18"><b class="cdp-f-w-bold"><?php _e('Navigation after copying', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></b></h2></div> <div class="cdp-padding-15-h"> <div class="cdp-con-cen"> <select class="cdp-other-options cdp-select cdp-select-centered cdp-sel-separat cdp-select-large cdp-dd-p-40 cdp-c-x-a-v" name="after_copy"> <option value="1"<?php echo ($after_copy == '1' || $after_copy == false)?' selected':''; ?>><?php _e('Leave me where I was', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></option> <option value="2"<?php echo ($after_copy == '2')?' selected':''; ?>><?php _e('Take me to the edit-page of the created copy', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></option> <option value="3"<?php echo ($after_copy == '3')?' selected':''; ?>><?php _e('Decide on a case-by-case basis (adds new button on copy screen)', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></option> </select> </div> <div class="cdp-if-edit-page-selected cdp-con-cen cdp-f-s-18 cdp-f-w-light cdp-p-25-40" style="display: none;"><?php _e('If you created multiple copies in one go, you’ll be taken to the first copy.', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> </div> </div> <div> <h2> <b class="cdp-relative cdp-f-s-18 cdp-f-w-bold cdp-tooltip-premium" data-top="5" style="padding-right: 30px;"><?php _e('Pages vs. Posts converter', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> <span class="cdp-premium-icon cdp-big-icon"></span></b> </h2> </div> <div class="cdp-f-s-18 cdp-f-w-light"> <p class="cdp-f-s-18 cdp-f-w-light"><?php _e('By default, the type of what you copy does not change, i.e. if you copy a post the new version will also be a post, and the same for pages.', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></p> <p class="cdp-padding-15-h cdp-f-s-18 cdp-f-w-light"><?php _e('If you want to make a page out of a post, or vice versa, then you can do this on a <b class="cdp-f-w-bold">case by case basis</b> if you select the option “Define it specifically for this case” in the copy-tooltip, and then select this option on the following screen in the tooltip.', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></p> <p class="cdp-f-s-18 cdp-f-w-light"><?php _e('However, if you want it as a <b class="cdp-f-w-bold">default setting option</b>, then please select it below: ', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></p> </div> <div class="cdp-con-cen"> <div class="cdp-tooltip-premium" style="width: 663px; margin: 0 auto; height: 60px;" data-top="-10"> <select class="cdp-other-options cdp-select cdp-select-centered cdp-sel-separat cdp-select-large cdp-c-x-a-v" name="post_converter"> <option value="1"<?php echo ($post_converter == '1' || $post_converter == false)?' selected':''; ?>><?php _e('Copies will be the same type as the original', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></option> <option value="2"<?php echo ($post_converter == '2')?' selected':''; ?>><?php _e('ALWAYS change the type when copied (posts will become pages, pages will become posts)', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></option> </select> </div> </div> <div class=""><h2><b class="cdp-f-s-18 cdp-f-w-bold"><?php _e('User level permissions', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></b></h2></div> <div class="cdp-f-s-18 cdp-p-15-25 cdp-f-w-light"><?php _e('Which user role(s) should be able to copy & delete? <i style="color: gray">– The role also must have access to the dashboard.</i>', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></div> <div class="cdp-p-25-40 cdp-f-s-18 cdp-f-w-light"> <?php $isSaved = false; if (isset($globals)) $isSaved = true; foreach ($roles as $role => $value) { $checked = ''; $rn = sanitize_text_field($role); $role = sanitize_text_field($value['name']); $d = ($role == 'Administrator')?' disabled checked="checked"':''; if ($isSaved && $role != 'Administrator') if (isset($globals['roles'][$rn]) && $globals['roles'][$rn] == 'true') $checked = ' checked'; echo('<label for="cdp-roles-'.$rn.'"><input class="cdp-other-roles" id="cdp-roles-'.$rn.'"'.$checked.' type="checkbox"'.$d.' name="'.$rn.'">'.$role.'</label>'); } ?> </div> <div class=""><h2><b class="cdp-f-s-18 cdp-f-w-bold"><?php _e('Content types which can be copied', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></b></h2></div> <div class="cdp-p-25-40 cdp-f-s-18 cdp-f-w-light"> <label for="cdp-o-pages"><input <?php echo ($gos['cdp-content-pages'] == 'true')?'checked ':''; ?>id="cdp-o-pages" type="checkbox" class="cdp-other-inputs" name="cdp-content-pages"><?php _e('Pages', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></label> <label for="cdp-o-posts"><input <?php echo ($gos['cdp-content-posts'] == 'true')?'checked ':''; ?>id="cdp-o-posts" type="checkbox" class="cdp-other-inputs" name="cdp-content-posts"><?php _e('Posts', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></label> <label for="cdp-o-custom"><input <?php echo ($gos['cdp-content-custom'] == 'true')?'checked ':''; ?>id="cdp-o-custom" type="checkbox" class="cdp-other-inputs" name="cdp-content-custom"><?php _e('Custom posts types', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></label> </div> <div class=""><h2><b class="cdp-f-s-18 cdp-f-w-bold"><?php _e('Display copy option on...', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></b></h2></div> <div class="cdp-p-25-40 cdp-f-s-18 cdp-f-w-light"> <label for="cdp-o-postspages"><input <?php echo ($gos['cdp-display-posts'] == 'true')?'checked ':''; ?>id="cdp-o-postspages" type="checkbox" class="cdp-other-inputs" name="cdp-display-posts"><?php _e('Posts/pages lists', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></label> <label for="cdp-o-edit"><input <?php echo ($gos['cdp-display-edit'] == 'true')?'checked ':''; ?>id="cdp-o-edit" type="checkbox" class="cdp-other-inputs" name="cdp-display-edit"><?php _e('Edit screens', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></label> <label for="cdp-o-admin"><input <?php echo ($gos['cdp-display-admin'] == 'true')?'checked ':''; ?>id="cdp-o-admin" type="checkbox" class="cdp-other-inputs" name="cdp-display-admin"><?php _e('Admin bar', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></label> <label for="cdp-o-bulk"><input <?php echo ($gos['cdp-display-bulk'] == 'true')?'checked ':''; ?>id="cdp-o-bulk" type="checkbox" class="cdp-other-inputs" name="cdp-display-bulk"><?php _e('Bulk actions menu', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></label> <label for="cdp-o-gutenberg"><input <?php echo ($gos['cdp-display-gutenberg'] == 'true')?'checked ':''; ?>id="cdp-o-gutenberg" type="checkbox" class="cdp-other-inputs" name="cdp-display-gutenberg"><?php _e('Gutenberg editor', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></label> </div> <div class=""><h2><b class="cdp-f-s-18 cdp-f-w-bold"><?php _e('Show reference to original item?', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></b></h2></div> <div class="cdp-f-s-18 cdp-f-w-light cdp-p-15-25"><?php _e('If checked, you will see a reference to the original post/page (on the copied version).', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></div> <div class="cdp-p-25-40 cdp-f-s-18 cdp-f-w-light"> <label for="cdp-o-posts2"><input <?php echo ($gos['cdp-references-post'] == 'true')?'checked ':''; ?>id="cdp-o-posts2" type="checkbox" class="cdp-other-inputs" name="cdp-references-post"><?php _e('Posts/pages lists', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></label> <label for="cdp-o-edits2"><input <?php echo ($gos['cdp-references-edit'] == 'true')?'checked ':''; ?>id="cdp-o-edits2" type="checkbox" class="cdp-other-inputs" name="cdp-references-edit"><?php _e('Edit screens', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></label> </div> <?php $tifmdisabled = 'false'; if (get_option('_tifm_feature_enabled') === 'disabled') { $tifmdisabled = 'true'; } $tifmscrollTo = false; if (isset($_GET['scrollToSection']) && $_GET['scrollToSection'] === 'testPlugins') { $tifmscrollTo = true; } ?> <div id="tifmSectionInOptions"> <div> <h2><b class="cdp-f-s-18 cdp-f-w-bold"><?php _e('Test new plugins before installing:', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></b></h2> </div> <div class="cdp-f-s-18 cdp-f-w-light cdp-p-15-25" style="line-height: 25px;"> <?php _e('If this feature is activated, you’ll see “Try it out”-buttons on the screen where you can', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> <a href="<?php echo admin_url('plugin-install.php') ?>"><?php _e('add new plugins', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></a>.<br /> <?php $tifm_translated = __('Clicking on it will spin up a new WordPress instance with the respective plugin installed. Powered by %s.', 'copy-delete-posts'); echo str_replace('%s', '<a href="" target="_blank">TasteWP</a>', $tifm_translated); ?> </div> <div class="cdp-f-s-18 cdp-f-w-light" style="padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px;"> <label for="cdp-tifm-enabled"> <input <?php echo ($tifmdisabled === 'false')?'checked ':''; ?>id="cdp-tifm-enabled" type="checkbox" class="cdp-other-inputs" name="cdp-tifm-enabled"> <?php _e('Enable "Try it out" buttons in add new plugin screen.', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> </label> </div> </div> <div><h2><b class="cdp-f-s-18 cdp-f-w-bold"><?php _e('Additional features', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></b></h2></div> <div class="cdp-p-25-40 cdp-f-s-18 cdp-f-w-light"> <label for="cdp-o-premium-hide-tooltip"> <?php if (!isset($gos['cdp-premium-hide-tooltip'])) $gos['cdp-premium-hide-tooltip'] = false; ?> <input id="cdp-o-premium-hide-tooltip"<?php echo ((!$areWePro)?' disabled="true"':''); ?> <?php echo ($areWePro && $gos['cdp-premium-hide-tooltip'] == 'true')?'checked ':''; ?> type="checkbox" class="cdp-other-inputs" name="cdp-premium-hide-tooltip" /> <span class="cdp-relative cdp-tooltip-premium" data-top="5"><?php _e('Hide copy tooltip on hover and only show the button', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> <span class="cdp-premium-icon cdp-big-icon" style="right: -30px"></span></span> </label> <?php if (is_multisite() || !$areWePro) { ?> <label for="cdp-o-premium-replace-domain"> <?php if (!isset($gos['cdp-premium-replace-domain'])) $gos['cdp-premium-replace-domain'] = false; ?> <input id="cdp-o-premium-replace-domain"<?php echo ((!$areWePro)?' disabled="true"':''); ?> <?php echo ($areWePro && $gos['cdp-premium-replace-domain'] == 'true')?'checked ':''; ?> type="checkbox" class="cdp-other-inputs" name="cdp-premium-replace-domain" /> <span class="cdp-relative cdp-tooltip-premium" data-top="5"><?php _e('Adjust URLs in post content for new subsite', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> <span class="cdp-premium-icon cdp-big-icon" style="right: -30px"></span></span> </label> <?php } ?> <label for="cdp-o-premium-import"> <?php if (!isset($gos['cdp-premium-import'])) $gos['cdp-premium-import'] = false; ?> <input id="cdp-o-premium-import"<?php echo ((!$areWePro)?' disabled="true"':''); ?> <?php echo ($areWePro && $gos['cdp-premium-import'] == 'true')?'checked ':''; ?> type="checkbox" class="cdp-other-inputs" name="cdp-premium-import" /> <span class="cdp-relative cdp-tooltip-premium" data-top="5"><?php _e('Show post export & import buttons', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> <span class="cdp-premium-icon cdp-big-icon" style="right: -30px"></span></span> </label> <label for="cdp-o-menu-in-settings"> <input <?php echo (isset($gos['cdp-menu-in-settings']) && $gos['cdp-menu-in-settings'] == 'true')?'checked ':''; ?>id="cdp-o-menu-in-settings" type="checkbox" class="cdp-other-inputs" name="cdp-menu-in-settings"> <?php _e('Move <b>Copy & Delete Posts</b> <u>menu item</u> under <b>Tools</b> dropdown', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> </label> </div> <div class="cdp-center cdp-padding-15-h"> <button class="cdp-button cdp-save-options"><?php _e('Save', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></button> <div class="cdp-padding cdp-f-s-17"> <a href="#" class="cdp-close-chapter"><?php _e('Close section', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cdp-f-s-20 cdp-p-hh"> <?php _e('...and after your copy frenzy, you may need to…', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> </div> <!-- DELETE SECTION --> <div class="cdp-collapsible" data-cdp-group="mains"> <div class="cdp-d-xclicked cdp-collapsible-title"> <div class="cdp-cf"> <div class="cdp-left cdp-ff-b1"><b class="cdp-ff-b4"><?php _e('Delete duplicate posts/pages', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></b></div> <div class="cdp-right"><i class="cdp-arrow cdp-arrow-left"></i></div> </div> </div> <div class="cdp-collapsible-content cdp-d-section cdp-np"> <div class="cdp-padding"> <div class="cdp-backup-alert cdp-f-s-20 cdp-f-w-light"> <?php _e('Before you delete anything here (which cannot be undone!) we <b class="cdp-f-w-bold">strongly suggest</b><br /> that you create a backup, for example with <a href="" target="_blank">this plugin</a>', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> </div> <div class="cdp-cf cdp-tab-list"> <div class="cdp-left cdp-tab-element cdp-tab-active" data-box="cdp-tabox-manual"> <span><?php _e('Manual Cleanup', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></span> </div> <div class="cdp-left cdp-tab-element cdp-tooltip-premium" data-top="-4" data-box="cdp-tabox-automatic"<?php echo ((!$areWePro)?' data-disabled="true"':''); ?>> <span class="cdp-relative"><?php _e('Automatic Cleanup', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> <span class="cdp-premium-icon cdp-big-icon"></span></span> </div> <div class="cdp-left cdp-tab-element" data-box="cdp-tabox-redirects"> <span class="cdp-relative"><?php _e('Redirection', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> <span class="cdp-premium-icon cdp-big-icon"></span></span> </div> </div> <div class="cdp-cont-d-box-tabed" id="cdp-tabox-redirects"> <?php if ($areWePro && function_exists('cdpp_automated_redirects')) { ?> <?php cdpp_automated_redirects($cdp_plug_url); ?> <?php } else { ?> <div class="cdp-con-cen"> <div class="cdp-center cdp-padding" style="padding-top: 50px; padding-bottom: 30px;"> <img src="<?php echo $cdp_plug_url; ?>/assets/imgs/redirections.png" alt=""> </div> <div class="cdp-lh-24 cdp-black-all" style="max-width: 82%; margin: 0 auto;"> <div class="cdp-f-s-19 cdp-f-w-regular cdp-padding"> <?php _e('As part of the <span class="cdp-green">premium plugin</span> you can enable redirects, so that the URLs of your deleted posts/pages automatically take visitors to the version which you decided to keep.', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> </div> <div class="cdp-f-s-19 cdp-f-w-regular cdp-padding"> <?php _e('This isn’t just good for your visitors, but also for SEO: the “link juice” from your old (deleted) articles will be forwarded to the versions you keep, helping you to rank higher in search engines.', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> </div> <div class="cdp-f-s-19 cdp-f-w-regular cdp-padding"> <?php _e('And: you can also use this feature for any other redirections you may need (not only redirects from deleted posts/pages)!', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> </div> </div> <br /> <div class="cdp-center cdp-padding-15-h" style="padding-bottom: 60px;"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <button class="cdp-button cdp-f-s-21 cdp-f-w-medium" style="width: 465px; height: 70px; border-radius: 35px;"><?php _e('Go premium now', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></button> </a> </div> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <div class="cdp-cont-d-box-tabed" id="cdp-tabox-automatic"> <?php if ($areWePro && function_exists('cdpp_automated_deletion')) { ?> <?php cdpp_automated_deletion($cdp_plug_url); ?> <?php } ?> </div> <div class="cdp-cont-d-box-tabed" id="cdp-tabox-manual"> <!-- ABOVE DELETION TABLE --> <div class="cdp-d-pad-sp" style="padding-top: 20px"> <div class="cdp-special-cb-p"> <div class="cdp-d-header cdp-f-s-19"> <?php _e('Scan for duplicates in...', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> </div> <div class="cdp-p-25-40 cdp-f-s-18"> <label><input type="checkbox" name="cdp-d-a-posts" checked class="cdp-d-option cdp-d-first-chapter-cb" /><?php _e('Posts', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></label> <label><input type="checkbox" name="cdp-d-a-pages" checked class="cdp-d-option cdp-d-first-chapter-cb" /><?php _e('Pages', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></label> <label><input type="checkbox" name="cdp-d-a-customs" checked class="cdp-d-option cdp-d-first-chapter-cb" /><?php _e('Custom posts', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></label> </div> </div> <div class="cdp-special-cb-p"> <div class="cdp-d-header cdp-f-s-19"> <?php _e('Count them as duplicates if they are identical with respect to <u class="cdp-f-w-bold">all</u> of the below...', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> </div> <div> <div class="cdp-p-25-t cdp-cf"> <div class="cdp-left cdp-f-s-18"> <label style="margin-right: 5px;"><input type="checkbox" checked name="cdp-d-b-title" class="cdp-d-option"/><?php _e('Title', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></label> </div> <div class="cdp-left" style="margin-top: 1px; margin-left: 5px; font-size: 13px;"> <a href="#" class="cdp-show-more-d-title cdp-f-s-16" style="line-height: 43px;"><?php _e('(show more options)', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></a> </div> <div class="cdp-left cdp-f-s-18" style="margin-left: 50px;"> <label><input type="checkbox" name="cdp-d-b-slug" class="cdp-d-option" /><?php _e('Similar slug', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> <span class="cdp-tooltip-top" title="<?php _e('Slugs are never 100% identical (i.e. Wordpress adds a counter automatically to ensure they are unique). The rule to only have them at least 85% identical does the job fine (you can see after the scan which posts are considered identical).', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?>">(x ≥ 85%)</span></label> </div> </div> <div class="cdp-p-20-h cdp-more-d-title" style="display: none; padding-left: 37px;"> <div class="cdp-f-s-17 cdp-p-20-b cdp-lh-24"> <?php _e('Do you want to consider different titles still to be identical if a) the copied posts/pages<br />were created by this plugin and b) they were not modified thereafter?', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> </div> <div class="cdp-cf"> <label class="cdp-left cdp-f-s-18"><input type="radio" class="cdp-d-option cdp-radio" value="0" name="cdp-radio-btn-dtitles" checked><?php _e('No', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></label> <label class="cdp-left cdp-f-s-18"><input type="radio" class="cdp-d-option cdp-radio" value="1" name="cdp-radio-btn-dtitles"><?php _e('Yes', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></label> <span class="cdp-green cdp-f-s-17 cdp-tooltip-top cdp-left" title="<?php echo esc_attr(__('The copies you created may have been given different titles automatically (according to the rules in <a href="#" class="cdp-go-to-names-chapter">this section</a>) and therefore would not count as duplicates as they have different titles.<br /><br />To remedy this, you can select “Yes” here so that those posts/pages also get considered as duplicates.', 'copy-delete-posts')); ?>" style="line-height: 44px;"><?php _e('When does “yes” make sense here?', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></span> </div> </div> <!-- <div class="cdp-padding-15-h cdp-f-s-18"> </div> --> <div class="cdp-cf cdp-p-40-b"> <label class="cdp-left cdp-f-s-18" style="margin-right: 21px;"> <input type="checkbox" name="cdp-d-c-excerpt" class="cdp-d-option" /><?php _e('Excerpt (<span class="cdp-no-empty-text"><b>including</b> empty</span>)', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> </label> <label class="cdp-left cdp-f-s-18" style="margin-right: 90px !important;"><input type="checkbox" name="cdp-d-c-count" class="cdp-d-option"/><?php _e('Word count', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></label> <div class="cdp-left cdp-f-s-17" style="line-height: 43px;"> <?php _e('...need others? <a href="" target="_blank">Suggest them!</a>', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cdp-d-option-select-parent cdp-padding-15-h cdp-center cdp-ntp"> <div class="cdp-inline cdp-cf"> <select class="cdp-left cdp-d-option-select cdp-pad-49-list cdp-select-large cdp-max-600 cdp-select cdp-select-centered cdp-sel-separat" name="cdp-d-sels-diftyp"> <option value="1"><?php _e('Only count pages/posts of the same type as duplicates', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></option> <option value="2"><?php _e('Also count pages/posts of different types as duplicates', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></option> </select> <span class="cdp-left cdp-green"> <div style="margin-left: 15px; line-height: 51px;"> <span class="cdp-tooltip-top" title='Select the “same type”-option if the pages/posts have to be of the same type (i.e. post / page / specific custom post category) in order to count as duplicates. If you select “cross-type” then pages/posts of different types will also be considered as duplicates.'><?php _e('Huh?', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></span> </div> </span> </div> </div> </div> <div class=""> <div class="cdp-d-header cdp-f-s-19"> <?php _e('Which version do you want to keep?', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> </div> <div class="cdp-p-30-h cdp-center"> <select class="cdp-d-option-select cdp-pad-49-list cdp-select-large cdp-select cdp-select-centered cdp-sel-separat" name="cdp-d-d-sel-which"> <option value="1"><?php _e('Keep the oldest duplicate (typically the original)', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></option> <option value="2"><?php _e('Keep the newest duplicate (typically the last copy you made)', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></option> <option value="3"><?php _e('Delete ALL duplicates, don’t keep any (Be careful!)', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></option> </select> </div> </div> <div class="cdp-relative cdp-f-s-19"> <span class="cdp-tooltip-premium" data-top="0"> <?php _e('<b>Filter results (optional)</b>: Only list them, if they<span id="cdpp-switch-mf"> […]</span>', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> <span class="cdp-premium-icon cdp-big-icon"></span> </span> </div> <?php if ($areWePro && function_exists('cdpp_more_filters')) cdpp_more_filters(); ?> <br /> <div class="cdp-center cdp-p-30-h"> <button class="cdp-button cdp-delete-btn cdp-d-search cdp-rl-round cdp-f-w-bold" type="button" name="button"><?php _e('Scan for duplicates now!<br /><small class="cdp-sm-d cdp-f-s-17 cdp-f-w-medium">(at this point nothing gets deleted)</small>', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></button> </div> </div> <div class="cdp-padding-15-h"> <div class="cdp-cf cdp-d-pad-sp cdp-not-yet-search" style="display: none; padding-bottom: 30px;"> <div class="cdp-left cdp-f-s-19 cdp-f-w-bold" style="line-height: 41px;"> <?php _e('Scan has found [<span id="cdp-d-table-pagi-ilosc-wynikow" class="cdp-f-w-bold"></span>] duplicates', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> </div> <div class="cdp-right"> <input type="text" class="cdp-d-searchbox-c" name="cdp-d-searchbox" placeholder="Search..."> </div> <div class="cdp-right cdp-f-s-19" style="padding-right: 45px;"> <div class="cdp-cf" style="line-height: 41px;"> <div class="cdp-left"> <?php _e('Show', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> </div> <select class="cdp-left cdp-select cdp-ow-border cdp-per-page-select-show cdp-width-166"> <option value="5">5</option> <option value="10">10</option> <option value="25" selected>25</option> <option value="40">40</option> <option value="50">50</option> <option value="60">60</option> <option value="75">75</option> <option value="100">100</option> </select> <div class="cdp-left"> <?php _e('per page', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- DELETION TABLE --> <div class="cdp-table-cont cdp-not-yet-search" style="display: none;"> <table id="cdp-d-table" class="cdp-delete-table"> <thead> <tr class="cdp-f-s-19 cdp-f-w-medium"> <th><label><input type="checkbox" class="cdp-d-checkbox-all"/></label></th> <th><?php _e('Title', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></th> <th><?php _e('Slug/URL', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></th> <th><?php _e('Type', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></th> <th><?php _e('Date created', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></th> <th><?php _e('# of words', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></th> </tr> </thead> <thead> <tr data-ignore="true"><td class="cdp-h-tbe" colspan="6"></td></tr> </thead> <tbody id="cdp-d-table-tbody"></tbody> <tfoot> <tr data-ignore="true"><td class="cdp-h-tbe" colspan="6"></td></tr> </tfoot> </table> </div> <!-- BELOW DELETION TABLE --> <div class="cdp-d-pad-sp"> <div class="cdp-cf cdp-not-yet-search" style="display: none;"> <div class="cdp-d-sel-all-con cdp-left cdp-f-w-light cdp-f-s-17"> <?php _e('<u class="cdp-d-select-all cdp-f-w-light">Select all</u> (also from other pages)', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> </div> <div class="cdp-center cdp-d-pagi-cent cdp-left"> <div id="cdp-d-table-pagi" class="cdp-pagination"></div> </div> </div> <div class="cdp-center cdp-p-10-h cdp-not-yet-search" style="display: none;"> <div class="cdp-delete-info cdp-f-w-light cdp-f-s-19"> <?php _e('You selected <b class="cdp-t-d-ct cdp-f-w-light">0</b> pages/posts to be deleted', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> </div> </div> <div class="cdp-p-10-h cdp-not-yet-search" style="display: none;"> <div class="cdp-d-header-2 cdp-f-s-19 cdp-f-w-light"> <?php _e('Steps to deletion:', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> </div> <div class="cdp-margin-left cdp-f-s-19"> <div class="cdp-p-10-h"> <div class="cdp-cf cdp-low-margin-bot" style="line-height: 28px;"> <div class="cdp-left cdp-blue-circle">1</div> <div class="cdp-left"> <?php _e('Make sure you created a backup with, e.g. with <a href="" target="_blank">this plugin</a>.', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></div> </div> <div class="cdp-cf cdp-low-margin-bot" style="line-height: 28px;"> <div class="cdp-left cdp-blue-circle">2</div> <div class="cdp-left"> <?php _e('Select all the posts & pages which should be deleted (by ticking the checkboxes in the table above).', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></div> </div> <div class="cdp-cf cdp-low-margin-bot" style="line-height: 28px;"> <div class="cdp-left cdp-blue-circle">3</div> <div class="cdp-left"> <?php _e('Check if you need these features (optional):', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></div> </div> </div> <div class="cdp-margin-left-25 cdp-p-20-h cdp-nbp" style="padding-top: 0px"> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td class="cdp-vtop-pad"><?php _e('Automatic redirection', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></td> <td> <div class="cdp-relative"> <span class="cdp-tooltip-premium" style="padding: 25px 0;"> <select class="cdp-p-redirections cdp-select cdp-ow-border cdp-dis-en-opt" name="cdp-redirections"> <option value="0"><?php _e('Disabled', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></option> <option value="1"><?php _e('Enabled', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></option> </select> </span> <div class="cdp-premium-icon cdp-big-icon" style="margin-left: 17px;"></div> </div> <div class="cdp-d-tp-pad cdp-f-s-17 cdp-lh-24"><?php _e('Enable this if you want to redirect the urls from your deleted posts/pages to the main one you decided to keep.', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="cdp-vtop-pad"><?php _e('Deletion throttling', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></td> <td> <div class="cdp-cf"> <select class="cdp-left cdp-d-throttling cdp-select cdp-ow-border cdp-dis-en-opt" name="cdp-throttling"> <option value="0"><?php _e('Disabled', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></option> <option value="1"><?php _e('Enabled', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></option> </select> <div class="cdp-left cdp-inline cdp-cf cdp-d-throttling-count-p" style="display: none; line-height: 41px;"> <div class="cdp-left"> <span style="padding: 0px 15px;"><?php _e('Delete', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></span> </div> <div class="cdp-left"> <input type="number" class="cdp-d-throttling-count cdp-number-field-styled" name="cdp-throttling-count" min="1" max="10240" placeholder="50"> </div> <div class="cdp-left"> <span style="padding: 0px 15px;"><?php _e('per minute', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cdp-d-tp-pad cdp-f-s-17 cdp-lh-24"> <?php _e('Enable this if you want to have your posts/pages getting deleted in batches (instead of all at once).<br />This reduces the risk of timeouts if you have a lot to delete.<br />', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> <span class="cdp-even-more-th-info" style="display: none"> <?php _e('If it’s necessary the process will dynamically slow down - depending on your server’s resource consumption. For example, if you’re using another plugin which is running a background process and it takes a lot of resources (+50%), our plugin will wait/slow down until the other process is complete.', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> </span> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="cdp-vtop-pad" style="padding-top: 4px"><?php _e('Move post(s) to trash?', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></td> <td> <div class=""> <span class="cdp-tooltip-premium" style="padding: 25px 0"> <label class="cdp-relative" style="padding-right: 25px;"><input type="checkbox" class="cdp-p-just-trash-them" /> <?php _e('Yes, keep deleted posts in trash!', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> <span class="cdp-premium-icon cdp-big-icon"></span></label> </span> <div class="cdp-d-tp-pad cdp-f-s-17 cdp-lh-24"><?php _e('Select this option to move deleted posts to trash (instead of deleting them permanently right away).', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> <div class=""> <div class="cdp-not-yet-search" style="display: none;"> <hr class="cdp-hr"> <div class="cdp-center cdp-padding-15-h cdp-f-s-19"> <label><input type="checkbox" class="cdp-d-just-check-it"> <?php _e('I completed <u>all</u> steps, it’s ok!', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></label> </div> <div class="cdp-center cdp-p-10-h"> <button type="button" class="cdp-button cdp-red-bg cdp-d-real-delete cdp-f-s-19" name="button"><?php _e('Delete selected pages/posts!', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></button> </div> <div class="cdp-center cdp-padding-15-h cdp-f-s-19"> <?php _e('You will be notified when the deletion process ends via <span class="cdp-green">Admin Bar Menu</span>.', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> </div> </div> <div class="cdp-padding cdp-f-s-17 cdp-center"> <a href="#" class="cdp-close-chapter"><?php _e('Close section', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <?php if (function_exists('cdpp_license_status')) cdpp_license_status(); ?> <?php if (function_exists('cdpp_license')) cdpp_license(); ?> </div> <div class="cdp-f-s-20 cdp-p-hh cdp-center cdp-relative"> <?php _e('<b>Questions?</b> We\'re happy to help in the <a href="" target="_blank" style="text-decoration: none;">Support Forum</a>.', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> <span class="cdp-info-icon cdp-tooltip-top" title="<?php _e('Your account on (where you open a new support thread) is different to the one you login to your WordPress dashboard (where you are now). If you don\'t have a account yet, please sign up at the top right on here. It only takes a minute :) Thank you!', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?>"></span> </div> <jdiv class="label_e50 _bottom_ea7 notranslate" id="cdp_jvlabelWrap-fake" style="background: linear-gradient(95deg, rgb(47, 50, 74) 20%, rgb(66, 72, 103) 80%);right: 30px;bottom: 0px;width: 310px;"> <jdiv class="hoverl_bc6"></jdiv> <jdiv class="text_468 _noAd_b4d contentTransitionWrap_c73" style="font-size: 15px;font-family: Arial, Arial;font-style: normal;color: rgb(240, 241, 241);position: absolute;top: 8px;line-height: 13px;"> <span><?php _e('Connect with support (click to load)', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?></span><br> <span style="color: #eee;font-size: 10px;"> <?php _e('This will establish connection to the chat servers', 'copy-delete-posts'); ?> </span> </jdiv> <jdiv class="leafCont_180"> <jdiv class="leaf_2cc _bottom_afb"> <jdiv class="cssLeaf_464"></jdiv> </jdiv> </jdiv> </jdiv> </div> </div> <div id="cdp_carrousel" style="display: none; margin-top: 100px;"> <?php do_action('ins_global_print_carrousel'); ?> </div> <?php if ($tifmscrollTo === true) { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> setTimeout(function () { if (document.querySelector('#cdp-global-section-collapser')) { document.querySelector('#cdp-global-section-collapser').click(); setTimeout(function () { document.querySelector('#tifmSectionInOptions').scrollIntoView({behavior: "smooth", block: "center", inline: "nearest"}); jQuery('#tifmSectionInOptions').css({'transition': '.3s all'}); setTimeout(function () { jQuery('#tifmSectionInOptions').css({'transform': 'scale(1.05)'}); setTimeout(function () { jQuery('#tifmSectionInOptions').css({'transform': 'scale(1)'}); }, 300); }, 100); }, 450); } }, 300) </script> <?php } ?> <?php } /** –– **/ /** –– **\ * This function will convert bytes to human readable * @return void */ function cdp_human_readable_bytes($bytes) { $label = ['B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB']; for ($i = 0; $bytes >= 1024 && $i < (count($label) - 1); $bytes /= 1024, $i++); return (round($bytes, 2) . " " . $label[$i]); } /** –– * */
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