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<?php namespace ElementorDeps\Laravel\SerializableClosure\Support; \defined('T_NAME_QUALIFIED') || \define('T_NAME_QUALIFIED', -4); \defined('T_NAME_FULLY_QUALIFIED') || \define('T_NAME_FULLY_QUALIFIED', -5); \defined('T_FN') || \define('T_FN', -6); \defined('T_NULLSAFE_OBJECT_OPERATOR') || \define('T_NULLSAFE_OBJECT_OPERATOR', -7); use Closure; use ReflectionFunction; class ReflectionClosure extends ReflectionFunction { protected $code; protected $tokens; protected $hashedName; protected $useVariables; protected $isStaticClosure; protected $isScopeRequired; protected $isBindingRequired; protected $isShortClosure; protected static $files = []; protected static $classes = []; protected static $functions = []; protected static $constants = []; protected static $structures = []; /** * Creates a new reflection closure instance. * * @param \Closure $closure * @param string|null $code * @return void */ public function __construct(Closure $closure, $code = null) { parent::__construct($closure); } /** * Checks if the closure is "static". * * @return bool */ public function isStatic() : bool { if ($this->isStaticClosure === null) { $this->isStaticClosure = \strtolower(\substr($this->getCode(), 0, 6)) === 'static'; } return $this->isStaticClosure; } /** * Checks if the closure is a "short closure". * * @return bool */ public function isShortClosure() { if ($this->isShortClosure === null) { $code = $this->getCode(); if ($this->isStatic()) { $code = \substr($code, 6); } $this->isShortClosure = \strtolower(\substr(\trim($code), 0, 2)) === 'fn'; } return $this->isShortClosure; } /** * Get the closure's code. * * @return string */ public function getCode() { if ($this->code !== null) { return $this->code; } $fileName = $this->getFileName(); $line = $this->getStartLine() - 1; $className = null; if (null !== ($className = $this->getClosureScopeClass())) { $className = '\\' . \trim($className->getName(), '\\'); } $builtin_types = self::getBuiltinTypes(); $class_keywords = ['self', 'static', 'parent']; $ns = $this->getClosureNamespaceName(); $nsf = $ns == '' ? '' : ($ns[0] == '\\' ? $ns : '\\' . $ns); $_file = \var_export($fileName, \true); $_dir = \var_export(\dirname($fileName), \true); $_namespace = \var_export($ns, \true); $_class = \var_export(\trim($className ?: '', '\\'), \true); $_function = $ns . ($ns == '' ? '' : '\\') . '{closure}'; $_method = ($className == '' ? '' : \trim($className, '\\') . '::') . $_function; $_function = \var_export($_function, \true); $_method = \var_export($_method, \true); $_trait = null; $tokens = $this->getTokens(); $state = $lastState = 'start'; $inside_structure = \false; $isFirstClassCallable = \false; $isShortClosure = \false; $inside_structure_mark = 0; $open = 0; $code = ''; $id_start = $id_start_ci = $id_name = $context = ''; $classes = $functions = $constants = null; $use = []; $lineAdd = 0; $isUsingScope = \false; $isUsingThisObject = \false; for ($i = 0, $l = \count($tokens); $i < $l; $i++) { $token = $tokens[$i]; switch ($state) { case 'start': if ($token[0] === \T_FUNCTION || $token[0] === \T_STATIC) { $code .= $token[1]; $state = $token[0] === \T_FUNCTION ? 'function' : 'static'; } elseif ($token[0] === \T_FN) { $isShortClosure = \true; $code .= $token[1]; $state = 'closure_args'; } elseif ($token[0] === \T_PUBLIC || $token[0] === \T_PROTECTED || $token[0] === \T_PRIVATE) { $code = ''; $isFirstClassCallable = \true; } break; case 'static': if ($token[0] === \T_WHITESPACE || $token[0] === \T_COMMENT || $token[0] === \T_FUNCTION) { $code .= $token[1]; if ($token[0] === \T_FUNCTION) { $state = 'function'; } } elseif ($token[0] === \T_FN) { $isShortClosure = \true; $code .= $token[1]; $state = 'closure_args'; } else { $code = ''; $state = 'start'; } break; case 'function': switch ($token[0]) { case \T_STRING: if ($isFirstClassCallable) { $state = 'closure_args'; break; } $code = ''; $state = 'named_function'; break; case '(': $code .= '('; $state = 'closure_args'; break; default: $code .= \is_array($token) ? $token[1] : $token; } break; case 'named_function': if ($token[0] === \T_FUNCTION || $token[0] === \T_STATIC) { $code = $token[1]; $state = $token[0] === \T_FUNCTION ? 'function' : 'static'; } elseif ($token[0] === \T_FN) { $isShortClosure = \true; $code .= $token[1]; $state = 'closure_args'; } break; case 'closure_args': switch ($token[0]) { case \T_NAME_QUALIFIED: [$id_start, $id_start_ci, $id_name] = $this->parseNameQualified($token[1]); $context = 'args'; $state = 'id_name'; $lastState = 'closure_args'; break; case \T_NS_SEPARATOR: case \T_STRING: $id_start = $token[1]; $id_start_ci = \strtolower($id_start); $id_name = ''; $context = 'args'; $state = 'id_name'; $lastState = 'closure_args'; break; case \T_USE: $code .= $token[1]; $state = 'use'; break; case \T_DOUBLE_ARROW: $code .= $token[1]; if ($isShortClosure) { $state = 'closure'; } break; case ':': $code .= ':'; $state = 'return'; break; case '{': $code .= '{'; $state = 'closure'; $open++; break; default: $code .= \is_array($token) ? $token[1] : $token; } break; case 'use': switch ($token[0]) { case \T_VARIABLE: $use[] = \substr($token[1], 1); $code .= $token[1]; break; case '{': $code .= '{'; $state = 'closure'; $open++; break; case ':': $code .= ':'; $state = 'return'; break; default: $code .= \is_array($token) ? $token[1] : $token; break; } break; case 'return': switch ($token[0]) { case \T_WHITESPACE: case \T_COMMENT: case \T_DOC_COMMENT: $code .= $token[1]; break; case \T_NS_SEPARATOR: case \T_STRING: $id_start = $token[1]; $id_start_ci = \strtolower($id_start); $id_name = ''; $context = 'return_type'; $state = 'id_name'; $lastState = 'return'; break 2; case \T_NAME_QUALIFIED: [$id_start, $id_start_ci, $id_name] = $this->parseNameQualified($token[1]); $context = 'return_type'; $state = 'id_name'; $lastState = 'return'; break 2; case \T_DOUBLE_ARROW: $code .= $token[1]; if ($isShortClosure) { $state = 'closure'; } break; case '{': $code .= '{'; $state = 'closure'; $open++; break; default: $code .= \is_array($token) ? $token[1] : $token; break; } break; case 'closure': switch ($token[0]) { case \T_CURLY_OPEN: case \T_DOLLAR_OPEN_CURLY_BRACES: case '{': $code .= \is_array($token) ? $token[1] : $token; $open++; break; case '}': $code .= '}'; if (--$open === 0 && !$isShortClosure) { break 3; } elseif ($inside_structure) { $inside_structure = !($open === $inside_structure_mark); } break; case '(': case '[': $code .= $token[0]; if ($isShortClosure) { $open++; } break; case ')': case ']': if ($isShortClosure) { if ($open === 0) { break 3; } $open--; } $code .= $token[0]; break; case ',': case ';': if ($isShortClosure && $open === 0) { break 3; } $code .= $token[0]; break; case \T_LINE: $code .= $token[2] - $line + $lineAdd; break; case \T_FILE: $code .= $_file; break; case \T_DIR: $code .= $_dir; break; case \T_NS_C: $code .= $_namespace; break; case \T_CLASS_C: $code .= $inside_structure ? $token[1] : $_class; break; case \T_FUNC_C: $code .= $inside_structure ? $token[1] : $_function; break; case \T_METHOD_C: $code .= $inside_structure ? $token[1] : $_method; break; case \T_COMMENT: if (\substr($token[1], 0, 8) === '#trackme') { $timestamp = \time(); $code .= '/**' . \PHP_EOL; $code .= '* Date : ' . \date(\DATE_W3C, $timestamp) . \PHP_EOL; $code .= '* Timestamp : ' . $timestamp . \PHP_EOL; $code .= '* Line : ' . ($line + 1) . \PHP_EOL; $code .= '* File : ' . $_file . \PHP_EOL . '*/' . \PHP_EOL; $lineAdd += 5; } else { $code .= $token[1]; } break; case \T_VARIABLE: if ($token[1] == '$this' && !$inside_structure) { $isUsingThisObject = \true; } $code .= $token[1]; break; case \T_STATIC: case \T_NS_SEPARATOR: case \T_STRING: $id_start = $token[1]; $id_start_ci = \strtolower($id_start); $id_name = ''; $context = 'root'; $state = 'id_name'; $lastState = 'closure'; break 2; case \T_NAME_QUALIFIED: [$id_start, $id_start_ci, $id_name] = $this->parseNameQualified($token[1]); $context = 'root'; $state = 'id_name'; $lastState = 'closure'; break 2; case \T_NEW: $code .= $token[1]; $context = 'new'; $state = 'id_start'; $lastState = 'closure'; break 2; case \T_USE: $code .= $token[1]; $context = 'use'; $state = 'id_start'; $lastState = 'closure'; break; case \T_INSTANCEOF: case \T_INSTEADOF: $code .= $token[1]; $context = 'instanceof'; $state = 'id_start'; $lastState = 'closure'; break; case \T_OBJECT_OPERATOR: case \T_NULLSAFE_OBJECT_OPERATOR: case \T_DOUBLE_COLON: $code .= $token[1]; $lastState = 'closure'; $state = 'ignore_next'; break; case \T_FUNCTION: $code .= $token[1]; $state = 'closure_args'; if (!$inside_structure) { $inside_structure = \true; $inside_structure_mark = $open; } break; case \T_TRAIT_C: if ($_trait === null) { $startLine = $this->getStartLine(); $endLine = $this->getEndLine(); $structures = $this->getStructures(); $_trait = ''; foreach ($structures as &$struct) { if ($struct['type'] === 'trait' && $struct['start'] <= $startLine && $struct['end'] >= $endLine) { $_trait = ($ns == '' ? '' : $ns . '\\') . $struct['name']; break; } } $_trait = \var_export($_trait, \true); } $code .= $_trait; break; default: $code .= \is_array($token) ? $token[1] : $token; } break; case 'ignore_next': switch ($token[0]) { case \T_WHITESPACE: case \T_COMMENT: case \T_DOC_COMMENT: $code .= $token[1]; break; case \T_CLASS: case \T_NEW: case \T_STATIC: case \T_VARIABLE: case \T_STRING: case \T_CLASS_C: case \T_FILE: case \T_DIR: case \T_METHOD_C: case \T_FUNC_C: case \T_FUNCTION: case \T_INSTANCEOF: case \T_LINE: case \T_NS_C: case \T_TRAIT_C: case \T_USE: $code .= $token[1]; $state = $lastState; break; default: $state = $lastState; $i--; } break; case 'id_start': switch ($token[0]) { case \T_WHITESPACE: case \T_COMMENT: case \T_DOC_COMMENT: $code .= $token[1]; break; case \T_NS_SEPARATOR: case \T_NAME_FULLY_QUALIFIED: case \T_STRING: case \T_STATIC: $id_start = $token[1]; $id_start_ci = \strtolower($id_start); $id_name = ''; $state = 'id_name'; break 2; case \T_NAME_QUALIFIED: [$id_start, $id_start_ci, $id_name] = $this->parseNameQualified($token[1]); $state = 'id_name'; break 2; case \T_VARIABLE: $code .= $token[1]; $state = $lastState; break; case \T_CLASS: $code .= $token[1]; $state = 'anonymous'; break; default: $i--; //reprocess last $state = 'id_name'; } break; case 'id_name': switch ($token[0]) { case $token[0] === ':' && $context !== 'instanceof': if ($lastState === 'closure' && $context === 'root') { $state = 'closure'; $code .= $id_start . $token; } break; case \T_NAME_QUALIFIED: case \T_NS_SEPARATOR: case \T_STRING: case \T_WHITESPACE: case \T_COMMENT: case \T_DOC_COMMENT: $id_name .= $token[1]; break; case '(': if ($isShortClosure) { $open++; } if ($context === 'new' || \false !== \strpos($id_name, '\\')) { if ($id_start_ci === 'self' || $id_start_ci === 'static') { if (!$inside_structure) { $isUsingScope = \true; } } elseif ($id_start !== '\\' && !\in_array($id_start_ci, $class_keywords)) { if ($classes === null) { $classes = $this->getClasses(); } if (isset($classes[$id_start_ci])) { $id_start = $classes[$id_start_ci]; } if ($id_start[0] !== '\\') { $id_start = $nsf . '\\' . $id_start; } } } else { if ($id_start !== '\\') { if ($functions === null) { $functions = $this->getFunctions(); } if (isset($functions[$id_start_ci])) { $id_start = $functions[$id_start_ci]; } elseif ($nsf !== '\\' && \function_exists($nsf . '\\' . $id_start)) { $id_start = $nsf . '\\' . $id_start; // Cache it to functions array $functions[$id_start_ci] = $id_start; } } } $code .= $id_start . $id_name . '('; $state = $lastState; break; case \T_VARIABLE: case \T_DOUBLE_COLON: if ($id_start !== '\\') { if ($id_start_ci === 'self' || $id_start_ci === 'parent') { if (!$inside_structure) { $isUsingScope = \true; } } elseif ($id_start_ci === 'static') { if (!$inside_structure) { $isUsingScope = $token[0] === \T_DOUBLE_COLON; } } elseif (!(\PHP_MAJOR_VERSION >= 7 && \in_array($id_start_ci, $builtin_types))) { if ($classes === null) { $classes = $this->getClasses(); } if (isset($classes[$id_start_ci])) { $id_start = $classes[$id_start_ci]; } if ($id_start[0] !== '\\') { $id_start = $nsf . '\\' . $id_start; } } } $code .= $id_start . $id_name . $token[1]; $state = $token[0] === \T_DOUBLE_COLON ? 'ignore_next' : $lastState; break; default: if ($id_start !== '\\' && !\defined($id_start)) { if ($constants === null) { $constants = $this->getConstants(); } if (isset($constants[$id_start])) { $id_start = $constants[$id_start]; } elseif ($context === 'new') { if (\in_array($id_start_ci, $class_keywords)) { if (!$inside_structure) { $isUsingScope = \true; } } else { if ($classes === null) { $classes = $this->getClasses(); } if (isset($classes[$id_start_ci])) { $id_start = $classes[$id_start_ci]; } if ($id_start[0] !== '\\') { $id_start = $nsf . '\\' . $id_start; } } } elseif ($context === 'use' || $context === 'instanceof' || $context === 'args' || $context === 'return_type' || $context === 'extends' || $context === 'root') { if (\in_array($id_start_ci, $class_keywords)) { if (!$inside_structure && !$id_start_ci === 'static') { $isUsingScope = \true; } } elseif (!(\PHP_MAJOR_VERSION >= 7 && \in_array($id_start_ci, $builtin_types))) { if ($classes === null) { $classes = $this->getClasses(); } if (isset($classes[$id_start_ci])) { $id_start = $classes[$id_start_ci]; } if ($id_start[0] !== '\\') { $id_start = $nsf . '\\' . $id_start; } } } } $code .= $id_start . $id_name; $state = $lastState; $i--; } break; case 'anonymous': switch ($token[0]) { case \T_NAME_QUALIFIED: [$id_start, $id_start_ci, $id_name] = $this->parseNameQualified($token[1]); $state = 'id_name'; $lastState = 'anonymous'; break 2; case \T_NS_SEPARATOR: case \T_STRING: $id_start = $token[1]; $id_start_ci = \strtolower($id_start); $id_name = ''; $state = 'id_name'; $context = 'extends'; $lastState = 'anonymous'; break; case '{': $state = 'closure'; if (!$inside_structure) { $inside_structure = \true; $inside_structure_mark = $open; } $i--; break; default: $code .= \is_array($token) ? $token[1] : $token; } break; } } if ($isShortClosure) { $this->useVariables = $this->getStaticVariables(); } else { $this->useVariables = empty($use) ? $use : \array_intersect_key($this->getStaticVariables(), \array_flip($use)); } $this->isShortClosure = $isShortClosure; $this->isBindingRequired = $isUsingThisObject; $this->isScopeRequired = $isUsingScope; if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80100) { $attributesCode = \array_map(function ($attribute) { $arguments = $attribute->getArguments(); $name = $attribute->getName(); $arguments = \implode(', ', \array_map(function ($argument, $key) { $argument = \sprintf("'%s'", \str_replace("'", "\\'", $argument)); if (\is_string($key)) { $argument = \sprintf('%s: %s', $key, $argument); } return $argument; }, $arguments, \array_keys($arguments))); return "#[{$name}({$arguments})]"; }, $this->getAttributes()); if (!empty($attributesCode)) { $code = \implode("\n", \array_merge($attributesCode, [$code])); } } $this->code = $code; return $this->code; } /** * Get PHP native built in types. * * @return array */ protected static function getBuiltinTypes() { // PHP 8.1 if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80100) { return ['array', 'callable', 'string', 'int', 'bool', 'float', 'iterable', 'void', 'object', 'mixed', 'false', 'null', 'never']; } // PHP 8 if (\PHP_MAJOR_VERSION === 8) { return ['array', 'callable', 'string', 'int', 'bool', 'float', 'iterable', 'void', 'object', 'mixed', 'false', 'null']; } // PHP 7 switch (\PHP_MINOR_VERSION) { case 0: return ['array', 'callable', 'string', 'int', 'bool', 'float']; case 1: return ['array', 'callable', 'string', 'int', 'bool', 'float', 'iterable', 'void']; default: return ['array', 'callable', 'string', 'int', 'bool', 'float', 'iterable', 'void', 'object']; } } /** * Gets the use variables by the closure. * * @return array */ public function getUseVariables() { if ($this->useVariables !== null) { return $this->useVariables; } $tokens = $this->getTokens(); $use = []; $state = 'start'; foreach ($tokens as &$token) { $is_array = \is_array($token); switch ($state) { case 'start': if ($is_array && $token[0] === \T_USE) { $state = 'use'; } break; case 'use': if ($is_array) { if ($token[0] === \T_VARIABLE) { $use[] = \substr($token[1], 1); } } elseif ($token == ')') { break 2; } break; } } $this->useVariables = empty($use) ? $use : \array_intersect_key($this->getStaticVariables(), \array_flip($use)); return $this->useVariables; } /** * Checks if binding is required. * * @return bool */ public function isBindingRequired() { if ($this->isBindingRequired === null) { $this->getCode(); } return $this->isBindingRequired; } /** * Checks if access to the scope is required. * * @return bool */ public function isScopeRequired() { if ($this->isScopeRequired === null) { $this->getCode(); } return $this->isScopeRequired; } /** * The the hash of the current file name. * * @return string */ protected function getHashedFileName() { if ($this->hashedName === null) { $this->hashedName = \sha1($this->getFileName()); } return $this->hashedName; } /** * Get the file tokens. * * @return array */ protected function getFileTokens() { $key = $this->getHashedFileName(); if (!isset(static::$files[$key])) { static::$files[$key] = \token_get_all(\file_get_contents($this->getFileName())); } return static::$files[$key]; } /** * Get the tokens. * * @return array */ protected function getTokens() { if ($this->tokens === null) { $tokens = $this->getFileTokens(); $startLine = $this->getStartLine(); $endLine = $this->getEndLine(); $results = []; $start = \false; foreach ($tokens as &$token) { if (!\is_array($token)) { if ($start) { $results[] = $token; } continue; } $line = $token[2]; if ($line <= $endLine) { if ($line >= $startLine) { $start = \true; $results[] = $token; } continue; } break; } $this->tokens = $results; } return $this->tokens; } /** * Get the classes. * * @return array */ protected function getClasses() { $key = $this->getHashedFileName(); if (!isset(static::$classes[$key])) { $this->fetchItems(); } return static::$classes[$key]; } /** * Get the functions. * * @return array */ protected function getFunctions() { $key = $this->getHashedFileName(); if (!isset(static::$functions[$key])) { $this->fetchItems(); } return static::$functions[$key]; } /** * Gets the constants. * * @return array */ protected function getConstants() { $key = $this->getHashedFileName(); if (!isset(static::$constants[$key])) { $this->fetchItems(); } return static::$constants[$key]; } /** * Get the structures. * * @return array */ protected function getStructures() { $key = $this->getHashedFileName(); if (!isset(static::$structures[$key])) { $this->fetchItems(); } return static::$structures[$key]; } /** * Fetch the items. * * @return void. */ protected function fetchItems() { $key = $this->getHashedFileName(); $classes = []; $functions = []; $constants = []; $structures = []; $tokens = $this->getFileTokens(); $open = 0; $state = 'start'; $lastState = ''; $prefix = ''; $name = ''; $alias = ''; $isFunc = $isConst = \false; $startLine = $endLine = 0; $structType = $structName = ''; $structIgnore = \false; foreach ($tokens as $token) { switch ($state) { case 'start': switch ($token[0]) { case \T_CLASS: case \T_INTERFACE: case \T_TRAIT: $state = 'before_structure'; $startLine = $token[2]; $structType = $token[0] == \T_CLASS ? 'class' : ($token[0] == \T_INTERFACE ? 'interface' : 'trait'); break; case \T_USE: $state = 'use'; $prefix = $name = $alias = ''; $isFunc = $isConst = \false; break; case \T_FUNCTION: $state = 'structure'; $structIgnore = \true; break; case \T_NEW: $state = 'new'; break; case \T_OBJECT_OPERATOR: case \T_DOUBLE_COLON: $state = 'invoke'; break; } break; case 'use': switch ($token[0]) { case \T_FUNCTION: $isFunc = \true; break; case \T_CONST: $isConst = \true; break; case \T_NS_SEPARATOR: $name .= $token[1]; break; case \T_STRING: $name .= $token[1]; $alias = $token[1]; break; case \T_NAME_QUALIFIED: $name .= $token[1]; $pieces = \explode('\\', $token[1]); $alias = \end($pieces); break; case \T_AS: $lastState = 'use'; $state = 'alias'; break; case '{': $prefix = $name; $name = $alias = ''; $state = 'use-group'; break; case ',': case ';': if ($name === '' || $name[0] !== '\\') { $name = '\\' . $name; } if ($alias !== '') { if ($isFunc) { $functions[\strtolower($alias)] = $name; } elseif ($isConst) { $constants[$alias] = $name; } else { $classes[\strtolower($alias)] = $name; } } $name = $alias = ''; $state = $token === ';' ? 'start' : 'use'; break; } break; case 'use-group': switch ($token[0]) { case \T_NS_SEPARATOR: $name .= $token[1]; break; case \T_NAME_QUALIFIED: $name .= $token[1]; $pieces = \explode('\\', $token[1]); $alias = \end($pieces); break; case \T_STRING: $name .= $token[1]; $alias = $token[1]; break; case \T_AS: $lastState = 'use-group'; $state = 'alias'; break; case ',': case '}': if ($prefix === '' || $prefix[0] !== '\\') { $prefix = '\\' . $prefix; } if ($alias !== '') { if ($isFunc) { $functions[\strtolower($alias)] = $prefix . $name; } elseif ($isConst) { $constants[$alias] = $prefix . $name; } else { $classes[\strtolower($alias)] = $prefix . $name; } } $name = $alias = ''; $state = $token === '}' ? 'use' : 'use-group'; break; } break; case 'alias': if ($token[0] === \T_STRING) { $alias = $token[1]; $state = $lastState; } break; case 'new': switch ($token[0]) { case \T_WHITESPACE: case \T_COMMENT: case \T_DOC_COMMENT: break 2; case \T_CLASS: $state = 'structure'; $structIgnore = \true; break; default: $state = 'start'; } break; case 'invoke': switch ($token[0]) { case \T_WHITESPACE: case \T_COMMENT: case \T_DOC_COMMENT: break 2; default: $state = 'start'; } break; case 'before_structure': if ($token[0] == \T_STRING) { $structName = $token[1]; $state = 'structure'; } break; case 'structure': switch ($token[0]) { case '{': case \T_CURLY_OPEN: case \T_DOLLAR_OPEN_CURLY_BRACES: $open++; break; case '}': if (--$open == 0) { if (!$structIgnore) { $structures[] = ['type' => $structType, 'name' => $structName, 'start' => $startLine, 'end' => $endLine]; } $structIgnore = \false; $state = 'start'; } break; default: if (\is_array($token)) { $endLine = $token[2]; } } break; } } static::$classes[$key] = $classes; static::$functions[$key] = $functions; static::$constants[$key] = $constants; static::$structures[$key] = $structures; } /** * Returns the namespace associated to the closure. * * @return string */ protected function getClosureNamespaceName() { $ns = $this->getNamespaceName(); // First class callables... if ($this->getName() !== '{closure}' && empty($ns) && !\is_null($this->getClosureScopeClass())) { $ns = $this->getClosureScopeClass()->getNamespaceName(); } return $ns; } /** * Parse the given token. * * @param string $token * @return array */ protected function parseNameQualified($token) { $pieces = \explode('\\', $token); $id_start = \array_shift($pieces); $id_start_ci = \strtolower($id_start); $id_name = '\\' . \implode('\\', $pieces); return [$id_start, $id_start_ci, $id_name]; } }
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