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import { JetpackVaultPressBackupLogo } from '@automattic/jetpack-components'; import { useSelect } from '@wordpress/data'; import { createInterpolateElement } from '@wordpress/element'; import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { useMemo } from 'react'; import useCapabilities from '../../hooks/useCapabilities'; import useConnection from '../../hooks/useConnection'; import { STORE_ID } from '../../store'; import { useShowBackUpNow } from '../back-up-now/hooks'; import { BackupNowButton } from '../back-up-now/index'; import { useIsFullyConnected } from './hooks'; const Header = () => { const showActivateLicenseLink = useShowActivateLicenseLink(); const showBackUpNowButton = useShowBackUpNow(); return ( <div className="jetpack-admin-page__header"> <span className="jetpack-admin-page__logo"> <JetpackVaultPressBackupLogo /> </span> { showActivateLicenseLink && <ActivateLicenseLink /> } { showBackUpNowButton && ( <BackupNowButton variant="primary" tracksEventName="jetpack_backup_plugin_backup_now"> { __( 'Back up now', 'jetpack-backup-pkg' ) } </BackupNowButton> ) } </div> ); }; const useShowActivateLicenseLink = () => { const connectionStatus = useConnection(); const isFullyConnected = useIsFullyConnected(); const { capabilitiesLoaded, hasBackupPlan } = useCapabilities(); // Give people a chance to activate a license if they're not fully connected, // OR if they have a full user connection but no Backup capabilities return useMemo( () => { // At least wait until we know the status of the site and user connections const connectionLoaded = Object.keys( connectionStatus ).length > 0; if ( ! connectionLoaded ) { return false; } if ( ! isFullyConnected ) { return true; } // Even if we're fully connected, wait until we know the site's capabilities // before deciding to show an activation link if ( ! capabilitiesLoaded ) { return false; } return ! hasBackupPlan; }, [ connectionStatus, isFullyConnected, hasBackupPlan, capabilitiesLoaded ] ); }; const ActivateLicenseLink = () => { const activateLicenseUrl = useSelect( select => { const wpAdminUrl = select( STORE_ID ).getSiteData().adminUrl; return `${ wpAdminUrl }admin.php?page=my-jetpack#/add-license`; }, [] ); return ( <p> { createInterpolateElement( __( 'Already have an existing plan or license key? <a>Click here to get started</a>', 'jetpack-backup-pkg' ), { a: <a href={ activateLicenseUrl } />, } ) } </p> ); }; export default Header;
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