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import { getProductCheckoutUrl, getRedirectUrl, LoadingPlaceholder, } from '@automattic/jetpack-components'; import { ExternalLink } from '@wordpress/components'; import { useSelect } from '@wordpress/data'; import { getDate, dateI18n } from '@wordpress/date'; import { createInterpolateElement, useCallback } from '@wordpress/element'; import { __, sprintf } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { BACKUP_STATE } from '../constants'; import useAnalytics from '../hooks/useAnalytics'; import useBackupsState from '../hooks/useBackupsState.js'; import { STORE_ID } from '../store'; import StatBlock from './StatBlock'; import './backups-style.scss'; import { StorageUsageLevels } from './backup-storage-space/storage-usage-levels'; import BackupAnim1 from './icons/backup-animation-1.svg'; import BackupAnim2 from './icons/backup-animation-2.svg'; import BackupAnim3 from './icons/backup-animation-3.svg'; import CloudAlertIcon from './icons/cloud-alert.svg'; import CloudIcon from './icons/cloud.svg'; import PluginsIcon from './icons/plugins.svg'; import PostsIcon from './icons/posts.svg'; import ThemesIcon from './icons/themes.svg'; import UploadsIcon from './icons/uploads.svg'; import WarningIcon from './icons/warning.svg'; /* eslint react/react-in-jsx-scope: 0 */ export const Backups = () => { const { backupState, isInitialBackup, latestTime, progress, stats } = useBackupsState(); return ( <div className="jp-wrap jp-content backup-panel"> { BACKUP_STATE.LOADING === backupState && <Loading /> } { BACKUP_STATE.NO_BACKUPS === backupState && <InProgressBackup progress={ progress } /> } { BACKUP_STATE.NO_BACKUPS_RETRY === backupState && ( <InProgressBackup isInitialBackup={ isInitialBackup } progress={ progress } showProgressBar={ false } /> ) } { BACKUP_STATE.IN_PROGRESS === backupState && ( <InProgressBackup isInitialBackup={ isInitialBackup } progress={ progress } /> ) } { BACKUP_STATE.COMPLETE === backupState && ( <CompleteBackup latestTime={ latestTime } stats={ stats } /> ) } { BACKUP_STATE.NO_GOOD_BACKUPS === backupState && <NoGoodBackups /> } </div> ); }; const NoGoodBackups = () => { const domain = useSelect( select => select( STORE_ID ).getCalypsoSlug(), [] ); return ( <div className="jp-row"> <div className="lg-col-span-5 md-col-span-4 sm-col-span-4"> <img src={ CloudAlertIcon } alt="" /> <h1>{ __( "We're having trouble backing up your site", 'jetpack-backup-pkg' ) }</h1> <p> { createInterpolateElement( __( '<a>Get in touch with us</a> to get your site backups going again.', 'jetpack-backup-pkg' ), { a: ( <a //TODO: we may want to add a specific redirect for Backup plugin related issues href={ getRedirectUrl( 'jetpack-contact-support', { site: domain } ) } target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" /> ), } ) } </p> </div> <div className="lg-col-span-1 md-col-span-4 sm-col-span-0"></div> <div className="lg-col-span-6 md-col-span-2 sm-col-span-2"></div> </div> ); }; export const Loading = () => { return ( <div className="jp-row"> <div className="lg-col-span-4 md-col-span-4 sm-col-span-4"> <LoadingPlaceholder width={ 344 } height={ 182 } /> </div> <div className="lg-col-span-0 md-col-span-4 sm-col-span-0"></div> <div className="lg-col-span-2 md-col-span-2 sm-col-span-2"> <LoadingPlaceholder width={ 160 } height={ 152 } /> </div> <div className="lg-col-span-2 md-col-span-2 sm-col-span-2"> <LoadingPlaceholder width={ 160 } height={ 152 } /> </div> <div className="lg-col-span-2 md-col-span-2 sm-col-span-2"> <LoadingPlaceholder width={ 160 } height={ 152 } /> </div> <div className="lg-col-span-2 md-col-span-2 sm-col-span-2"> <LoadingPlaceholder width={ 160 } height={ 152 } /> </div> </div> ); }; const formatDateString = dateString => { const todayString = __( 'Today', 'jetpack-backup-pkg' ); const todayDate = getDate(); let backupDate = todayString; if ( dateI18n( 'zY', todayDate ) !== dateI18n( 'zY', dateString ) ) { backupDate = dateI18n( 'M j', dateString ); } const backupTime = dateI18n( 'g:i A', dateString ); return backupDate + ', ' + backupTime; }; const CompleteBackup = ( { latestTime, stats } ) => { const domain = useSelect( select => select( STORE_ID ).getCalypsoSlug(), [] ); const { tracks } = useAnalytics(); const trackSeeBackupsCtaClick = useCallback( () => { tracks.recordEvent( 'jetpack_backup_see_backups_cta_click', { site: domain } ); }, [ tracks, domain ] ); const trackRecentRestorePointClick = useCallback( () => { tracks.recordEvent( 'jetpack_backup_view_recent_restore_points_click', { site: domain } ); }, [ tracks, domain ] ); const storageUsageLevel = useSelect( select => select( STORE_ID ).getStorageUsageLevel() ); const storageLimit = useSelect( select => select( STORE_ID ).getBackupStorageLimit() ) ?? 0; const storageSize = useSelect( select => select( STORE_ID ).getBackupSize() ) ?? 0; const storageOverlimit = storageSize > storageLimit; const backupsStopped = storageUsageLevel === StorageUsageLevels.Full; const addonSlug = useSelect( select => select( STORE_ID ).getStorageAddonOfferSlug() ); const siteSlug = useSelect( select => select( STORE_ID ).getCalypsoSlug() ); const adminUrl = useSelect( select => select( STORE_ID ).getSiteData().adminUrl ); const trackUpgradeStorageClick = useCallback( () => { tracks.recordEvent( 'jetpack_backup_upgrade_storage_header_cta', { site: domain } ); }, [ tracks, domain ] ); return ( <div className="jp-row"> <div className="lg-col-span-4 md-col-span-4 sm-col-span-4"> { ! backupsStopped && ( <> <div className="backup__latest"> <img src={ CloudIcon } alt="" className={ stats.warnings ? 'backup__warning-color' : '' } /> <h2>{ __( 'Latest Backup', 'jetpack-backup-pkg' ) }</h2> </div> <h1>{ formatDateString( latestTime ) }</h1> </> ) } { backupsStopped && ( <> <div className="backup__latest"> <img src={ WarningIcon } alt="" className="warning-icon" /> <h2> { storageOverlimit && __( 'Over storage space', 'jetpack-backup-pkg' ) } { ! storageOverlimit && __( 'Out of storage space', 'jetpack-backup-pkg' ) } </h2> </div> <h1>{ __( 'Backups stopped', 'jetpack-backup-pkg' ) }</h1> </> ) } { stats.warnings && ! backupsStopped && ( <div className="backup__warning-text"> { createInterpolateElement( __( 'Backup is completed with some files missing. See your <a>backup in the cloud</a> for more details.', 'jetpack-backup-pkg' ), { a: ( <a href={ getRedirectUrl( 'jetpack-backup', { site: domain } ) } target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" /> ), } ) } </div> ) } { ! stats.warnings && ! backupsStopped && createInterpolateElement( __( '<Button>See your backups in the cloud</Button><br/><ExternalLink>View activity log</ExternalLink>', 'jetpack-backup-pkg' ), { Button: ( <ExternalLink className="button" href={ getRedirectUrl( 'jetpack-backup', { site: domain } ) } onClick={ trackSeeBackupsCtaClick } target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" /> ), br: <br />, ExternalLink: ( <ExternalLink className="backup__restore-point-link" href={ getRedirectUrl( 'backup-plugin-activity-log', { site: domain } ) } onClick={ trackRecentRestorePointClick } /> ), } ) } { ! stats.warnings && backupsStopped && createInterpolateElement( __( '<Button>Upgrade your storage</Button><br/><a>Or view your most recent backup</a>', 'jetpack-backup-pkg' ), { Button: ( <a className="button" href={ getProductCheckoutUrl( addonSlug, siteSlug, `${ adminUrl }admin.php?page=jetpack-backup`, true ) } onClick={ trackUpgradeStorageClick } target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" /> ), a: ( <a className="backup__restore-point-link" href={ getRedirectUrl( 'jetpack-backup', { site: domain } ) } onClick={ trackSeeBackupsCtaClick } target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" /> ), br: <br />, } ) } </div> <div className="lg-col-span-0 md-col-span-4 sm-col-span-0"></div> <div className="lg-col-span-2 md-col-span-4 sm-col-span-4"> <StatBlock icon={ PostsIcon } label={ __( 'Posts', 'jetpack-backup-pkg' ) } value={ stats.posts } /> </div> <div className="lg-col-span-2 md-col-span-4 sm-col-span-4"> <StatBlock icon={ UploadsIcon } label={ __( 'Uploads', 'jetpack-backup-pkg' ) } value={ stats.uploads } /> </div> <div className="lg-col-span-2 md-col-span-4 sm-col-span-4"> <StatBlock icon={ PluginsIcon } label={ __( 'Plugins', 'jetpack-backup-pkg' ) } value={ stats.plugins } /> </div> <div className="lg-col-span-2 md-col-span-4 sm-col-span-4"> <StatBlock icon={ ThemesIcon } label={ __( 'Themes', 'jetpack-backup-pkg' ) } value={ stats.themes } /> </div> </div> ); }; const InProgressBackup = ( { isInitialBackup, progress, showProgressBar = true } ) => { const domain = useSelect( select => select( STORE_ID ).getCalypsoSlug(), [] ); const blogID = useSelect( select => select( STORE_ID ).getBlogId(), [] ); const siteTitle = useSelect( select => select( STORE_ID ).getSiteTitle(), [] ); const firstBackupTitle = __( 'Your first cloud backup will be ready soon', 'jetpack-backup-pkg' ); const regularBackupTitle = __( 'Your backup will be ready soon', 'jetpack-backup-pkg' ); const title = isInitialBackup ? firstBackupTitle : regularBackupTitle; return ( <div className="jp-row"> <div className="lg-col-span-5 md-col-span-8 sm-col-span-4"> { showProgressBar && ( <div className="backup__progress"> <div className="backup__progress-info"> <p> { sprintf( /* translators: placeholder is the Site Title */ __( 'Backing up %s', 'jetpack-backup-pkg' ), siteTitle ) } </p> <p className="backup__progress-info-percentage">{ progress }%</p> </div> <div className="backup__progress-bar"> <div className="backup__progress-bar-actual" style={ { width: progress + '%' } } ></div> </div> </div> ) } <h1>{ title }</h1> { isInitialBackup && ( <> <p> { __( 'The first backup usually takes a few minutes, so it will become available soon.', 'jetpack-backup-pkg' ) } </p> <p> { createInterpolateElement( __( 'In the meanwhile, you can start getting familiar with your <a>backup management on</a>.', 'jetpack-backup-pkg' ), { a: ( <a href={ getRedirectUrl( 'jetpack-backup', { site: blogID ?? domain } ) } target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" /> ), } ) } </p> </> ) } </div> <div className="lg-col-span-1 md-col-span-4 sm-col-span-0"></div> <div className="backup__animation lg-col-span-6 md-col-span-2 sm-col-span-2"> <img className="backup__animation-el-1" src={ BackupAnim1 } alt="" /> <img className="backup__animation-el-2" src={ BackupAnim2 } alt="" /> <img className="backup__animation-el-3" src={ BackupAnim3 } alt="" /> </div> </div> ); }; export default Backups;
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