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import { useDispatch, useSelect } from '@wordpress/data'; import { date } from '@wordpress/date'; import { useCallback, useState, useEffect, useRef } from '@wordpress/element'; import { BACKUP_STATE } from '../constants'; import { STORE_ID } from '../store'; const useBackupsState = ( shouldPoll = false ) => { const progressInterval = 1 * 1000; // How often to poll for backup progress updates. const [ backupState, setBackupState ] = useState( BACKUP_STATE.LOADING ); const [ latestTime, setLatestTime ] = useState( '' ); const [ progress, setProgress ] = useState( 0 ); const [ isInitialBackup, setIsInitialBackup ] = useState( false ); const [ stats, setStats ] = useState( { posts: 0, uploads: 0, plugins: 0, themes: 0, warnings: false, } ); const dispatch = useDispatch( STORE_ID ); const backups = useSelect( select => select( STORE_ID ).getBackups() ); const isFetching = useSelect( select => select( STORE_ID ).isFetchingBackups() ); const hasLoaded = useSelect( select => select( STORE_ID ).hasLoadedBackups() ); const fetchBackupsState = useCallback( () => { if ( ! isFetching ) { dispatch.getBackups(); } }, [ dispatch, isFetching ] ); // Ref for interval ID of fetching backups const fetchIntervalRef = useRef( null ); // Clears refetching interval. Used when backup completes or component unmounts. const clearFetchInterval = useCallback( () => { if ( fetchIntervalRef.current ) { clearInterval( fetchIntervalRef.current ); fetchIntervalRef.current = null; // Reset ref after clearing. } }, [] ); useEffect( () => { if ( isFetching ) { return; } let latestBackup = null; // If we have no backups don't load up stats. if ( hasLoaded ) { if ( backups.length === 0 ) { setBackupState( BACKUP_STATE.NO_BACKUPS ); } else if ( backups.length === 1 && 'error-will-retry' === backups[ 0 ].status ) { setBackupState( BACKUP_STATE.NO_BACKUPS_RETRY ); } else { // Check for the first completed backups. backups.forEach( backup => { if ( null !== latestBackup ) { return; } if ( 'finished' === backup.status && backup.stats && '0' === backup.discarded ) { latestBackup = backup; setBackupState( BACKUP_STATE.COMPLETE ); } } ); // Only the first backup can be in progress. if ( 'started' === backups[ 0 ].status ) { if ( null === latestBackup ) { setIsInitialBackup( true ); } latestBackup = backups[ 0 ]; setProgress( latestBackup.percent ); setBackupState( BACKUP_STATE.IN_PROGRESS ); } // No complete or in progress backups. if ( ! latestBackup ) { setBackupState( BACKUP_STATE.NO_GOOD_BACKUPS ); return; } // Setup data for COMPLETE state. if ( 'finished' === latestBackup.status ) { const postsTable = latestBackup.stats.prefix + 'posts'; setStats( { plugins: latestBackup.stats.plugins.count, themes: latestBackup.stats.themes.count, uploads: latestBackup.stats.uploads.count, posts: latestBackup.stats.tables[ postsTable ].post_published, warnings: latestBackup.has_warnings ? true : false, } ); setLatestTime( date( 'c', latestBackup.last_updated + '+00:00' ) ); } } } // Repeat query for NO_BACKUPS (before first) and IN_PROGRESS if ( shouldPoll || backups.length === 0 || ( latestBackup && 'started' === latestBackup.status ) ) { fetchIntervalRef.current = setInterval( fetchBackupsState, progressInterval ); } else { clearFetchInterval(); } // Ensures interval cleanup on component unmount or before effect reruns. return () => clearFetchInterval(); }, [ backups, clearFetchInterval, fetchBackupsState, hasLoaded, isFetching, progressInterval, shouldPoll, ] ); return { backups, backupState, fetchBackupsState, isInitialBackup, latestTime, progress, stats, }; }; export default useBackupsState;
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