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/* global Jetpack_Subscriptions */ const { domReady } = wp; domReady( () => { const modal = document.querySelector( '.jetpack-subscribe-modal' ); const modalDismissedCookie = 'jetpack_post_subscribe_modal_dismissed'; const skipUrlParam = 'jetpack_skip_subscription_popup'; function hasEnoughTimePassed() { const lastDismissed = localStorage.getItem( modalDismissedCookie ); return lastDismissed ? - lastDismissed > Jetpack_Subscriptions.modalInterval : true; } // Subscriber ended up here e.g. from emails: // we won't show the modal to them in future since they most likely are already a subscriber. function skipModal() { const url = new URL( window.location.href ); if ( url.searchParams.has( skipUrlParam ) ) { url.searchParams.delete( skipUrlParam ); window.history.replaceState( {}, '', url ); storeCloseTimestamp(); return true; } return false; } if ( ! modal || ! hasEnoughTimePassed() || skipModal() ) { return; } const modalLoadTimeout = setTimeout( openModal, Jetpack_Subscriptions.modalLoadTime ); const targetElement = ( document.querySelector( '.entry-content' ) || document.documentElement ).getBoundingClientRect(); function hasPassedScrollThreshold() { const scrollPosition = window.scrollY + window.innerHeight / 2; const scrollPositionThreshold = + ( targetElement.height * Jetpack_Subscriptions.modalScrollThreshold ) / 100; return scrollPosition > scrollPositionThreshold; } function onScroll() { requestAnimationFrame( () => { if ( hasPassedScrollThreshold() ) { openModal(); } } ); } window.addEventListener( 'scroll', onScroll, { passive: true } ); // This take care of the case where the user has multiple tabs open. function onLocalStorage( event ) { if ( event.key === modalDismissedCookie ) { closeModal(); removeEventListeners(); } } window.addEventListener( 'storage', onLocalStorage ); // When the form is submitted, and next modal loads, it'll fire "subscription-modal-loaded" signalling that this form can be hidden. const form = modal.querySelector( 'form' ); if ( form ) { form.addEventListener( 'subscription-modal-loaded', closeModal ); } // User can edit modal, and could remove close link. function onCloseButtonClick( event ) { event.preventDefault(); closeModal(); } const close = document.getElementsByClassName( 'jetpack-subscribe-modal__close' )[ 0 ]; if ( close ) { close.addEventListener( 'click', onCloseButtonClick ); } function closeOnWindowClick( event ) { if ( === modal ) { closeModal(); } } function closeModalOnEscapeKeydown( event ) { if ( event.key === 'Escape' ) { closeModal(); } } function openModal() { // If the user is typing in a form, don't open the modal or has anything else focused. if ( document.activeElement && document.activeElement.tagName !== 'BODY' ) { return; } modal.classList.add( 'open' ); document.body.classList.add( 'jetpack-subscribe-modal-open' ); window.addEventListener( 'keydown', closeModalOnEscapeKeydown ); window.addEventListener( 'click', closeOnWindowClick ); removeEventListeners(); } function closeModal() { modal.classList.remove( 'open' ); document.body.classList.remove( 'jetpack-subscribe-modal-open' ); window.removeEventListener( 'keydown', closeModalOnEscapeKeydown ); window.removeEventListener( 'storage', onLocalStorage ); window.removeEventListener( 'click', closeOnWindowClick ); storeCloseTimestamp(); } // Remove all event listeners. That would add the modal again. function removeEventListeners() { window.removeEventListener( 'scroll', onScroll ); clearTimeout( modalLoadTimeout ); } function storeCloseTimestamp() { localStorage.setItem( modalDismissedCookie, ); } } );
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