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/** * File customizer.js. * * Theme Customizer enhancements for a better user experience. * * Contains handlers to make Theme Customizer preview reload changes asynchronously. */ ( function ( $ ) { // Site title and description. wp.customize( 'blogname', function ( value ) { value.bind( function ( to ) { $( '.site-title a' ).text( to ); } ); } ); wp.customize( 'blogdescription', function ( value ) { value.bind( function ( to ) { $( '.site-description' ).text( to ); } ); } ); // Service title wp.customize( 'consultstreet_service_area_title', function( value ) { value.bind( function( newval ) { $( '.theme-services .theme-section-title' ).text( newval ); } ); } ); // Service description wp.customize( 'consultstreet_service_area_des', function( value ) { value.bind( function( newval ) { $( '.theme-services .theme-section-subtitle' ).text( newval ); } ); } ); // Project title wp.customize( 'consultstreet_project_area_title', function( value ) { value.bind( function( newval ) { $( '.theme-project .theme-section-title' ).text( newval ); } ); } ); // Project description wp.customize( 'consultstreet_project_area_des', function( value ) { value.bind( function( newval ) { $( '.theme-project .theme-section-subtitle' ).text( newval ); } ); } ); // Testimonial title wp.customize( 'consultstreet_testimonial_area_title', function( value ) { value.bind( function( newval ) { $( '.theme-testimonial .theme-section-title' ).text( newval ); } ); } ); // Testimonial description wp.customize( 'consultstreet_testimonial_area_des', function( value ) { value.bind( function( newval ) { $( '.theme-testimonial .theme-section-subtitle' ).text( newval ); } ); } ); // Call to action title wp.customize( 'consultstreet_cta_area_title', function( value ) { value.bind( function( newval ) { $( '.theme-cta .cta-block h5' ).text( newval ); } ); } ); // Call to action subtitle wp.customize( 'consultstreet_cta_area_subtitle', function( value ) { value.bind( function( newval ) { $( '.theme-cta .cta-block h2' ).text( newval ); } ); } ); // Call to action description wp.customize( 'consultstreet_cta_area_des', function( value ) { value.bind( function( newval ) { $( '.theme-cta .cta-block p' ).text( newval ); } ); } ); // Call to action button text wp.customize( 'consultstreet_cta_button_text', function( value ) { value.bind( function( newval ) { $( '.theme-cta .btn-small' ).text( newval ); } ); } ); // Call to action video text wp.customize( 'consultstreet_video_text', function( value ) { value.bind( function( newval ) { $( '.theme-cta .youtube-click a' ).text( newval ); } ); } ); // Blog title wp.customize( 'consultstreet_blog_area_title', function( value ) { value.bind( function( newval ) { $( '.theme-blog .theme-section-title' ).text( newval ); } ); } ); // Blog description wp.customize( 'consultstreet_blog_area_des', function( value ) { value.bind( function( newval ) { $( '.theme-blog .theme-section-subtitle' ).text( newval ); } ); } ); // footer copyright text wp.customize( 'consultstreet_footer_copright_text', function( value ) { value.bind( function( newval ) { $( '.site-footer .site-info' ).text( newval ); } ); } ); } )( jQuery );
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