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;( function( $ ) { "use strict"; var sinatraDependencies = { listenTo: {}, init: function() { var self = this; // Initialize visibility on load wp.customize.control.each( function( control ) { self.showSinatraControl( control ); }); _.each( self.listenTo, function( slaves, master ) { _.each( slaves, function( slave ) { wp.customize( master, function( setting ) { var setupControl = function( control ) { var setActiveState, isDisplayed; isDisplayed = function() { return self.showSinatraControl( wp.customize.control( slave ) ); }; setActiveState = function() { isDisplayed() ); }; setActiveState(); setting.bind( setActiveState ); = isDisplayed; }; wp.customize.control( slave, setupControl ); } ); } ); }); }, /** * Should we show the control? * * @since 1.0.0 * @param {string|object} control - The control-id or the control object. * @returns {bool} */ showSinatraControl: function( control ) { var self = this, show = true, i; if ( _.isString( control ) ) { control = wp.customize.control( control ); } // Exit early if control not found or if "required" argument is not defined. if ( 'undefined' === typeof control || ( control.params && _.isEmpty( control.params.required ) ) ) { return true; } // Loop control requirements. for ( i = 0; i < control.params.required.length; i++ ) { if ( ! self.checkCondition( control.params.required[ i ], control, 'AND' ) ) { show = false; } } return show; }, /** * Check a condition. * * @since 1.0.0 * @param {Object} requirement - The requirement, inherited from showSinatraControl. * @param {Object} control - The control object. * @param {string} relation - Can be one of 'AND' or 'OR'. */ checkCondition: function( requirement, control, relation ) { var self = this, childRelation = ( 'AND' === relation ) ? 'OR' : 'AND', nestedItems, i; // If an array of other requirements nested, we need to process them separately. if ( 'undefined' !== typeof requirement[0] && 'undefined' === typeof requirement.control ) { nestedItems = []; // Loop sub-requirements. for ( i = 0; i < requirement.length; i++ ) { nestedItems.push( self.checkCondition( requirement[ i ], control, childRelation ) ); } // OR relation. Check that true is part of the array. if ( 'OR' === childRelation ) { return ( -1 !== nestedItems.indexOf( true ) ); } // AND relation. Check that false is not part of the array. return ( -1 === nestedItems.indexOf( false ) ); } // Early exit if setting is not defined. if ( 'undefined' === typeof wp.customize.control( requirement.control ) ) { return true; } self.listenTo[ requirement.control ] = self.listenTo[ requirement.control ] || []; if ( -1 === self.listenTo[ requirement.control ].indexOf( ) ) { self.listenTo[ requirement.control ].push( ); } return self.evaluate( requirement.value, wp.customize.control( requirement.control ).setting._value, requirement.operator ); }, /** * Figure out if the 2 values have the relation we want. * * @since 1.0.0 * @param {mixed} value1 - The 1st value. * @param {mixed} value2 - The 2nd value. * @param {string} operator - The comparison to use. * @returns {bool} */ evaluate: function( value1, value2, operator ) { var found = false; if ( '===' === operator ) { return value1 === value2; } if ( '==' === operator || '=' === operator || 'equals' === operator || 'equal' === operator ) { return value1 == value2; } if ( '!==' === operator ) { return value1 !== value2; } if ( '!=' === operator || 'not equal' === operator ) { return value1 != value2; } if ( '>=' === operator || 'greater or equal' === operator || 'equal or greater' === operator ) { return value2 >= value1; } if ( '<=' === operator || 'smaller or equal' === operator || 'equal or smaller' === operator ) { return value2 <= value1; } if ( '>' === operator || 'greater' === operator ) { return value2 > value1; } if ( '<' === operator || 'smaller' === operator ) { return value2 < value1; } if ( 'contains' === operator || 'in' === operator ) { if ( _.isArray( value1 ) && _.isArray( value2 ) ) { _.each( value2, function( value ) { if ( value1.includes( value ) ) { found = true; return false; } } ); return found; } if ( _.isArray( value2 ) ) { _.each( value2, function( value ) { if ( value == value1 ) { // jshint ignore:line found = true; } } ); return found; } if ( _.isObject( value2 ) ) { if ( ! _.isUndefined( value2[ value1 ] ) ) { found = true; } _.each( value2, function( subValue ) { if ( value1 === subValue ) { found = true; } } ); return found; } if ( _.isString( value2 ) ) { if ( _.isString( value1 ) ) { return ( -1 < value1.indexOf( value2 ) && -1 < value2.indexOf( value1 ) ); } return -1 < value1.indexOf( value2 ); } } return value1 == value2; }, }; // END var sinatraDependencies $( document ).ready( function() { sinatraDependencies.init(); }); } )( jQuery );
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